Linked Questions

6 votes
1 answer

Can we have a special checkbox or something for purposely self-answered questions?

As stated here, one can pose a question with the purpose of answering it oneself. Perhaps this is a tricky situation that you encountered in your own coding and fixed and the material does not ...
demongolem's user avatar
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-15 votes
2 answers

Can we make posting a question with an answer easier?

As a developer I learn some really random ins and outs of various tools and libraries that I use on a daily basis. I often want to document, those stupid little things that cost me 4 hours to figure ...
Calidus's user avatar
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-12 votes
1 answer

Is there any place to put solutions which make feel proud? [duplicate]

Is there any Stack Exchange site where people can post solutions they found for they faced, particularly if they think it's the best solution for a specific problem? For example, I needed to exchange ...
Eloy Fernández Franco's user avatar
-13 votes
1 answer

What did I done wrong in my Question [duplicate]

So in the end my Question got deleted (screenshot). I am not complaining I just want to know what i did wrong. So let me explain what happend: I asked a question about what advantages Eto has in ...
Epig's user avatar
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-12 votes
1 answer

Why was my question upvoted, but my self-answer downvoted?

Two years ago, I had a specific question regarding creating a CLI application. I could not find a solution to my problem on Google Search (now the top result seems to be my question), so I drafted a ...
Jacob's user avatar
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-9 votes
1 answer

Why am I unable to get my question reopened? [duplicate]

I would be grateful if somebody could explain why my several attempts to get the following question reopened have failed. Why can't I change my callback function name? I am looking for a detailed ...
Neville Hillyer's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Should I delete my self-answered question if it is unworthy?

One day I was stuck with a problem and tried to search Web for some time. There were no results of my interest. After many tries, I was able to solve the problem myself, and I thought that my bad luck ...
Schmo's user avatar
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