In a recent question, two new users have written their answers, but the user name does not show up in the bottom of either of the answer, as illustrated by the screenshot below. Is this a bug or is there some setting that I'm missing? This is the first time I see it happen for a user account that is still in active use.

The answer not showing the user name

Here is the corresponding inspection result in Chrome, showing that the name is really empty, not just invisible due to low contrast or anything.

Inspection showing that "name" is empty

Here is the inspection result for a normal signature.

enter image description here

  • 2
    Both answerers also have no answers, if the timeline is to be believed
    – Kevin B
    Commented Oct 23 at 5:12
  • Timelines for both answers, stackoverflow.com/posts/79116308/timeline and stackoverflow.com/posts/79116333/timeline Commented Oct 23 at 5:19
  • 6
    It seems to be back to normal. There must have been a cache problem. Commented Oct 23 at 5:25
  • " Is this a bug or is there some setting that I'm missing?" - Why would we ever need a setting to hide user account details under answers :) Rather than "bug" (very little chance you are the one to first spot and report such a visible one) I would nowadays more suspect its fallout from live updates/experiments. Temporary glitches in the matrix are not uncommon.
    – Gimby
    Commented Oct 23 at 11:40
  • @Gimby. Temporary glitches in the matrix, Deja Vu? Commented Oct 23 at 13:04


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