Stack Overflow blog post A day in the penalty box mentions that an account can be placed in a "timed suspension" from 1 to 365 days.
But I recently came across a user that seems to be suspended for the longest period ever (on Stack Overflow until Dec 28, 2297
) perhaps.
My questions are that:
a) What is the reason for choosing the date Dec 28, 2297
for the suspension to end. Is there something special about that particular date and time period of suspension? Maybe this is the last date up to which a suspension is allowed so the moderator just choose the last option.
b) As the user is suspended for such a long time period, my thinking is that they must have done something serious that is not allowed on Stack Overflow, so wasn't/shouldn't deleting their profile instead of suspending for such a long time period makes more sense since they presumably were suspended for something serious. Maybe mods suspended instead of deleting because it is possible that they might change their mind in future for some reason and may unblock the ban before the suspension period is over.
Note that I am not asking the reason they were suspended.