I just came across this suggested edit. It's confusing to me as I don't know how to review it, so I skipped it. But, I would like to know how it should be reviewed.
Good point (in favor of accepting it):
- No radical or meaning changes
- Adds comments in the code to explain it (and not the code by itself)
- Makes the answer better
Bad point (in favor of rejecting it):
- Changes the code not from OP
- Not 'so much' improvement
I see that someone else voted for rejecting it with the "Attempt to reply" reason. I understand this person, but I don't know if it's the right choice.
For me, as it doesn't change the core or functionality of the code but only adds comments, it should not be categorized as a reply. Also, the edit doesn't add something new, it's only explaining.
What do you think about it?