I ran across this suggested edit to a community wiki post. The user who proposed the edit had only 40 rep and did not have the 100 rep privilege to edit community wikis.
I didn't really know how to handle this suggested edit so I skipped it. My gut reaction (if it was not a community wiki) would be to reject the edit because it "clearly conflicts with author's intent." The edit changed some exception code, and even though the edit comment explained the rationale behind it, I felt it misrepresented the actual answer. And this edit felt more like a comment/downvote (but the user didn't have those privileges). Of course I'm not so sure the the author didn't intend for these kinds of edits since it's a community wiki.
So I have two questions:
If the post had been a regular post is my initial reaction to reject the edit correct?
Do/should we treat suggested edits to community wikis differently? And in this case does the fact that the post is a community wiki make the edit approvable?