Out of curiosity, do query languages fit within the categories of "programming, scripting, and markup languages"? Or are they different? I.e. should that section be renamed to "Programming, scripting, query, and markup languages:"?
When you say "Bash/Shell", is "Shell" supposed to be a catch-all for shells like the Bourne Shell (sh
), Zsh, C Shell, tcsh, Dash, Fish, etc.?
Why is Homebrew listed, but a bunch of other package managers aren't? Ex. APT, Chocolatey, pacman, etc.
Why was Git listed last year, but not listed this year (nor other version control software / source control management software? Ex. Apache Subversion (SVN), Mercurial)?
And why is GitHub listed under Collaboration Tools, but not other similar platforms like BitBucket and GitLab?
Why is Maven listed, but not Ant or Gradle?
Why no C/C++ buildsystem technologies? GNU Make, CMake, Ninja, Meson, build2, MSBuild, QMake, SCons. Some form of "what buildsystem tool alternative to CMake do you use" is a frequently rehashed question on r/cmake, so it'd be real nice to get data on this in a survey with as wide a reach as the SO dev survey. If this gets given its own category, I'd also like to see IDE-based "buildsystems" in it, such as Xcode, and Visual Studio Solutions.
I'm also interested to see what compilers C and C++ devs are supporting in their projects. Such a list would at the very least include GCC, LLVM's Clang, MSVC, and would do well to also include MinGW, Mingw-w64, Intel C++ Compiler, and some relatively newer blood like Circle.
I'm also curious about C++ testing libraries- of which some (I pulled the ones I know from the previous link) are: Boost.Test, Catch2, cppunit, doctest, Google Test (see the full list to avoid my bias).
In the same list where there is GTK and Qt, it would be nice to see other C++ GUI libraries, such as Dear ImGui, FLTK, and WxWidgets.
And how could I forget about C++ non-system package managers? Of which they include (but are not limited to): vcpkg, Conan, Spack, Hunter, and build2 (it's also a package manager).
It would be interesting to know about what C++ language versions people are using in their projects. The same question goes for C, ECMAScript (related: tsconfig's target
Under "Development Environments:"- no Code::Blocks?
It might be useful to take a look at how other people are conducting similar surveys, such as JetBrains: which does an overall survey, and then ecosystem specific ones.
I'm kind of interested in what state-management technologies people are using in their Flutter projects. I remember when I tried to dip my toes in Flutter, it was quite overwhelming to see the list and try to pick one. See https://docs.flutter.dev/development/data-and-backend/state-mgmt/options.
These highly language-specific technology categories can be conditionally made visible in the survey when the participant indicates that they are using the relevant contextual technology. Ex. Hide questions about C/C++ compilers if the participant hasn't selected that they use C++.
What about languages from the Hardware Description family? Ex. Verilog, System Verilog.
Other capitalization errors
(I may have missed some)
Under "Programming, scripting, and markup language:"
"Apl" -> "APL", "Gdscript" -> "GDScript", "Html/Css" -> "HTML/CSS" (and why are they together? I would have put them separately), "Javascript" -> "JavaScript" (calling @PeterMortenson just to bug them :P), "Matlab" -> "MATLAB", "Ocaml" -> "OCaml", "Php", "PHP", "Powershell" -> "PowerShell", "Typescript" -> "TypeScript" (again, calling @PeterMortenson), "Vb.Net" -> "VB.NET" (or "Visual Basic (.NET)"?).
Under "Databases environments:"
"Sqlite" -> "SQLite".
Under "Cloud Platforms:":
"Digitalocean" -> "Digital Ocean", "Openshift" -> "OpenShift", "Openstack" -> "OpenStack".
Under "Web Frameworks and Technologies:"
"ASP.Net" -> "ASP.NET", "ASP.Net Core" -> "ASP.NET Core", "Codeigniter" -> "CodeIgniter", "Fastapi" -> "FastAPI", "Jquery" -> "jQuery" (quite surprised nobody caught this one), "Nest.js" (why not "NestJS"?), "React.js" (why not "React"?), "Solid.js" (why not "SolidJS"?), "Wordpress", "WordPress".
Under "Other Frameworks and Libraries:"
".Net" -> ".NET", ".Net Maui" -> ".NET MAUI", "Jax" -> "JAX", (out of curiosity, what is "Maui", and how is it different than ".NET MAUI"?), "Rabbitmq" -> "RabbitMQ", "Swiftui" -> "SwiftUI", "Tensorflow" -> "TensorFlow", "Torch/Pytorch" -> "Torch/PyTorch".
Under "Developer Tools:"
"Npm" -> "npm", "Nuget" -> "NuGet", "Pnpm" -> "pnpm".
Under "Development Environments:"
"Bbedit" -> "BBEdit", "Clion" -> "CLion", "Datagrip" -> "DataGrip", "Ipython/Jupyter" -> "IPython/Jupyter", "Phpstorm" -> "PhpStorm", "Pycharm" -> "PyCharm", "Rstudio" -> "RStudio", "Rubymine", "RubyMine", "Textmate" -> "TextMate", "Vscodium" -> "VSCodium", "Webstorm" -> "WebStorm".
Under "Operating Systems:"
"Aix" -> "AIX", "Bsd" -> "BSD", "IpadOS" -> "iPadOS", "MacOS" -> "macOS", "Templeos" -> "TempleOS", "Windows Subsystem For Linux" -> "Windows Subsystem for Linux".
Under "Collaboration Tools:"
"Stack Overflow For Teams" -> "Stack Overflow for Teams" (... no comment), "Youtrack" -> "YouTrack"