In the last 4 or 5 days, I've come across three instances of different users who ask the same respective question twice or more.
Plot Empirical autocorrelation in one plot in R
Can I set the data argument of lavaan() equal to a variable of a data?
Problem with the coordinate system in R in a raster file
These are all under the r tag. I don't visit Stack Overflow that much but if I can find these, it makes me wonder how many times this actually happens. Maybe it's just been my luck to find these odd occurrences. lol. I don't check any of the other tags, so I don't know how this tag compares to others either. But that's not the point of my question.
I found this meta Q&A and it seems to indicate that duplicate questions should be closed. When I look at the flagging options, the most relevant are
a duplicate This question has been asked before and already has an answer
in need of moderator intervention A problem not listed above that requires action by a moderator. Be specific and detailed!
While the first seems more appropriate, the questions that are considered for flagging don't have answers, so that seems to exclude the option. But requiring the use of a moderator (the second option) seems excessive. Which option is better for flagging and getting those duplicates closed?