Questions about how to programmatically log to syslog or how to programmatically receive syslog messages are programming-related and on-topic.
Questions about installation, maintenance, etc. of a syslog daemon or syslog server, performance requirements, hardware recommendations, operating system recommendations, firewall rules, etc. for a syslog server are not programming-related and thus off-topic.
Questions about configuration are … tricky. I would argue that at least Rsyslog's advanced configuration file format (previously known as RainerScript) is complex enough (it has expressions, functions, conditionals, loops, and subroutine calls) to be reasonably classified as a programming language, and Rsyslog configuration using the advanced format to be reasonably classified as programming.
However, the fact that it is technically programming and technically on-topic on Stack Overflow does not mean that SO is the best place for it. I would guess that the number of Rsyslog configuration experts on SO is much lower than, say, on Server Fault, Unix & Linux (but please note that Rsyslog also has a Windows Agent that can forward Windows Event Logs to Rsyslog), or DevOps (but only if the question actually is within a DevOps context and about a DevOps problem). But the fact that you will get better answers somewhere else doesn't make a question off-topic, it just makes it a sub-optmimal choice of site.
A sub-optimal choice of site only warrants a comment informing the asker about the superior options, not more.
Note that the Rsyslog documentation explicitly advertises ServerFault and not Stack Overflow:
See also
Help with configuring/using Rsyslog
- Mailing list – best route for general questions
- GitHub: rsyslog source project – detailed questions, reporting issues that are believed to be bugs with
- Stack Exchange (View, Ask) – experimental support from rsyslog community
Where the View link goes to a global network-wide filter and the Ask link specifically directs to the Ask Question form on Server Fault.