From rene in this comment:
Given the timing of the reversal event (not at 03:00/0:00 UTC) a Community Manager have reversed votes. That happens when the automatic systems don't catch the voting irregularity and manual checks and verifications are being done to cherry-pick which casted votes are to be invalidated. These investigations take ALL voting history into account and might impact multi users which in this case also involved votes cast on your posts. Voting is still private so even after this event no-one will come forward and reveal to you exactly why this happened as that might compromise confidentiality
From Henry Ecker in this comment:
Voting rings sometimes sink their votes into random (or a specific set of) users to make their votes seem more legitimate/obfuscate who they are actually targeted upvoting. When all their votes are reversed this affects everyone they voted for, not just the individuals who were being intentionally targeted.
These two comments, as you have mentioned here, displays some of the possible reasons to this phenomenon.
A little more food for thought: As you may already know, serial downvoting is a very common way to get "revenge" on other users here on the Stack Exchange community... by bringing their reputation points to a number lower than what it should be.
However, in some cases, a user might serial upvote another (active) user's posts to cause a much more negative impact (on their reputation points), and that is by upvoting the active user's posts in a way that will be detected (and reversed) in the future, but causing the targeted user to hit the reputation cap for that day. Repeat the process for many days, and that's hundreds of reputation points down the drain... ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Most commonly, when a single user continually votes (up or down) on many of your posts __within a short period of time__, the system considers these votes to be invalid and removes them.
Note: the emphasys is mine. As mentioned, I do not see any sudden (within a short period of time) boost in my rep. history.