The developer story has been sunset. One nice feature of the developer story is that it makes it easy to see which tags I am ranking well in, and what percentage I have there.
This user is part of the top 10% Stack Overflow answerers in this technology
This is useful for impressing people, in addition to just being interesting to see. Once the developer story site is fully gone in April 2022, where can I look that kind of information up easily?
This meta answer points to a SEDE query that computes the percentile for all of a user's tags. However, this times out for me.
This other SEDE query does return a percentage given a tag and user-id, but needs to be run for every potentially relevant tag seperately.
Is there a place e.g. in the user profile where I can view this, that I simply have not found yet?
Edit in August 2024: This question was closed as can no longer be reproduced. That implies that the feature now exists again, somewhere. I'd appreciate knowing where. I still don't see it on my profile.