I have an old Ethereum wallet keystore file that I created in 2017.
I can see that the address contains a tiny amount of eth, such a small amount that I'm wondering if it's worth my time, however I'm trying to recover it nonetheless, even if it's just as a programming exercise.
I found a post describing how to recover it if you know the password, however it uses node synchronous code, and I'm trying to convert it into asynchronous code, however I've run into some programming difficulties and I wanted to ask on Stack Overflow why my asynchronous code doesn't work properly.
Basically, I don't understand why the stack is processing all output before actually attempting each crack attempt, and I was going to paste some example code to illustrate what I misunderstand.
I've read several documents and YouTube videos about promises and event-driven programming, but I still don't seem to get it.
I've seen meta posts that ask about cracking files for forgotten passwords for Microsoft software saying that it's generally okay, but I'm unsure if this applies in my case.
It's a programming question, not a security question, so I figure that I shouldn't ask on Security.SE.
Is it ok to ask this question on Stack Overflow?