If audit code DOES NOT track which "other action" I took, then it does not know what I did and have no base to judge anything - this choice should be treated exactly as "skip".
It cannot be treated "exactly as skip". Reviewed posts are eventually taken out of the queue. Skipped posts are not. If you took "other action" you have reviewed the post; if you skipped, you didn't. Next time you do not want to review a post, and you want it to remain in the queue so other users can effectively review it, click "skip".
[From comments] No, that's broken logic. If "skip" is good enough to pass audit for "things that should be removed", then "downvote" can't be worse
Skipping pass the audit because you are saying "I'm not reviewing this, let others review it". "Other action" does not pass the audit because you are effectively saying "I have reviewed this, it can be removed from the review queue".
Downvoting is worse than skipping if you couple if with clicking "other action", because then the item can be removed from the queue and will no longer be reviewed by other users.
If audit code DOES track which "other action" I took, then downvoting should be considered proper action for "bad" content. Actually downvote probably should be noop - i.e. once again, same as "skip" even on "good" content. It is not like anybody is forbidden from downvoting, right?
Downvoting is a valid action for "not useful content", and thus very subjective. For things that should be removed, downvoting is not necessarily a "proper action". Some content needs to be flagged/deleted, and downvoting does not do that, and by clicking "other action" you are saying "take this out of the queue" so other users cannot review and flag/vote to delete.
In this particular case, the answer had already gone through the LQA queue. 2 users voted to delete, two users recommended deletion.
So the audit system had a pretty unanimous signal that the post merited deletion.
Since you didn't recommend deletion, you failed the audit. I agree with the original reviewers, this answer was correctly deleted, and simply downvoting was not a great action to take during review.