Is it possible to ask general 'how to' questions?
I think 'how to questions' are helpful for everyone. Yet I think they tend to get bad feedback in 2021.
In particular, is the moderating bot stepping in when it detects one?
Is it possible to ask general 'how to' questions?
I think 'how to questions' are helpful for everyone. Yet I think they tend to get bad feedback in 2021.
In particular, is the moderating bot stepping in when it detects one?
That is the whole premise of the site. Stack Overflow is a repository of "How to ..." questions about programming. A reasonably scoped "how to" question is the most on-topic question there can be.
Some questions are also debugging questions, but they are rarely useful to a broader community. It's much more difficult to ask a good debugging question. They often get downvoted and closed (e.g. typo or duplicate).
If you meant questions about general computing, then no. Such questions are off-topic. It must be programming related as specified by the help section.
Going to say that if we're speaking in broad strokes, the entirety of Stack Overflow is a "how-to" kind of site, but with the obvious caveat that it's not often verbatim "How to do X"-style questions that get accepted or lauded or at least not moderated.
There are two very different kinds of how-to questions:
The first one is generally the kind of Q&A that is acceptable. You need to solve a problem and you have shown some of your work or research, and not just declared it (e.g. "I searched for ages", "I looked at everything", "I can't find it anywhere", etc). This is often times the best way to go about asking a question, since it means that there's a clear scope and an answer exists that can generally be agreed upon as "correct".
The second one is generally the kind of Q&A that isn't acceptable, but there can be exceptions. These come across as the typical requirements dump of someone who says, "I just don't know where to start". What they don't realize is that this makes the both of us. Even worse, this is where someone decides to state their knowns and the outcome they want without any indication that they've got something to work with as a baseline.
So, what can you take away from all of this?
If you want to ask "how-to", then you should be cool with showing your work on what you've attempted. If you want us to answer the generic how-to, that will absolutely encourage the human curators (there aren't many bots that directly perform moderation tasks out there btw) to show up to curate your question.
It's possible to ask general how-to questions, but there are some challenges.
First and foremost, (probably more important than any of the rest of this answer) it's much more difficult to ask how-to questions now than it used to be because so many of them have already been asked and answered, especially the most simple and straightforward ones. The first part of asking a question here should be searching the site to see if it already exists. There's a good chance it does, but I've realized that searching is a skill not to be taken for granted.
If you have already searched and you're feeling certain that your question isn't a duplicate, the next challenge is accurately communicating what you're trying to do. It's hard to see the question as other people will see it. It may seem perfectly clear to you, but you already have all the necessary background information in your head, and it can be difficult to know which of that information is necessary to include. In general, it's best to assume as little as possible about what other people know when you're writing the question, and plan on sticking around for a while after you post it to respond to any requests for clarification people may have.
Then there's the tricky part. Not everyone here has the same standards about what makes a good how-to question, so you'll get mixed results depending on who sees the question, based on how "general" you've made it. The type of disagreement you see in the comments under your question is not unusual. Most people do seem to agree that part of the expected research effort when asking a question is to try something, regardless of whether or not they agree that it's necessary to include that in the question. That's not an unreasonable expectation, in my opinion. The work you put into it will help you ask a better question, it will help you understand the answers given, and if you have done it, then there's probably some sort of code you could include in the question.
Is a code sample necessary in a how-to question? In theory, I personally think the answer is something like maybe, often, probably, but it depends. That's just my opinion, and I know others see it as more of a clear yes/no. The person asking the question may not be the best judge of whether or not it's necessary, but ultimately they have to use their own judgement. Pragmatically, though, if you ask a question with no code in it, it's much more likely to get downvoted and closed, whether that's right or fair or not. I'm not suggesting that people should disguise their how-to questions as debugging questions, but including an example of your attempt to figure it out yourself will satisfy people who think that some code is required, and those who don't won't be bothered that it's there, but really it's more likely than not to at least help clarify what it is you're trying to do even though it doesn't work.
People seem reluctant to show their work. I often get the impression that because whatever they tried didn't work, people are afraid they're going to look stupid, and they want to avoid that embarrassment. That's understandable, but it's counterproductive. If you already knew how to do the thing, you wouldn't be trying to ask the question, so it's expected that whatever you tried will show some lack of understanding. It's best to just accept that from the beginning.
"How to" questions are fine, as long as they're unique and specific.
Stack Overflow is not your project plan generator. If you have to import some data from some external CRM into your organization's database and then ping the inhouse system that you've done so, this is the wrong way of going about that:
How to import external CRM data to our internal systems?
Please mention all the details.
This means that you've run to Stack Overflow about five steps too early. When solving a problem (and choosing to solve that problem by creating more problems, namely to program it yourself), you need to break that problem up into manageable pieces. So first, it's requirements gathering time. Then you don't know what you don't know, so it's research time. Ultimately, the following very valid questions could arise:
And so on. Some "How To" questions are on-topic, if they're narrowly scoped, well-defined and thereby ask a very answerable question.
The point I'm making here is that for example "How to call an HTTP REST API from C#?" is a very valid question. You don't need to show several lines of non-working, unrelated code that you found on a blog from 2001 and still uses HttpWebRequest and throw your compiler errors at us. Nobody is interested in getting that old garbage to work, you want to know how to do it in 2021. The answer is simply "Use an HttpClient". If your next question is "And how do I send a JSON object with my request?", then that's a new question. Both questions have been asked and answered plenty of times before.
They're fine questions, just not to ask again, because you can search for them and find the answer yourself. Asking a duplicate question is not a deadly sin, because By $Deity, there are hundreds of similar questions per subject and some or most of them are outdated, or simply unfindable because even Google gives up and starts returning old blogs again. Just don't get angry if someone finds a duplicate and closes your question.
If the question comes down to "break down this huge problem into smaller steps for me", then you need to ask a more senior developer, a business consultant or a freelancer. Those are not questions that Stack Overflow can answer for you.
Short answer: It depends.
Whether or not it is OK is based on if your question is clear and focused.
Let's look at Exhibit A: How do I check out a remote Git branch?
The question is:
Now let's look at Exhibit B:
(The timestamp on my computer says July 19, so it's about 4 months old now.)
I think 'how to questions' are helpful for everyone. Yet I think they tend to get bad feedback in 2021.
Yes, they are helpful for everyone if they are detailed and focused. The image above will not be useful to future readers. Who would have the exact same problem?
One possible reason why they get bad feedback now is that pretty much all the simple how-to questions already have been asked. So they get closed as duplicate, or if they are unfocused, "needs more focus".
If you share a specific piece of code that triggers a NullPointerException, and you include all the details, the question is clear and focused. But… it’s already been asked thousands of times.
Another way of determining if a how-to question is appropriate is to look for a close reason that describes the question. If it doesn't meet the criteria for any close reason and is not spam/offensive, then it should be okay.
So: It depends!
Is it possible to ask general 'how to' questions?
Yes, unless they become too broad, i.e. good answers would fill many pages or even books. Indeed I imagine that good answers quickly can become really large if the question's scope gets larger and larger.
And that points to why general questions aren't a good fit for SO in general. Very often, the practical problem you may face is not general, but special in some way and there are specific requirements. The optimal solution will depend on these requirements (for example possible choices of programming languages, a certain kind of input data or deployment systems,...) and good solutions will make use of these specific circumstances. Dividing general problems into answerable more specific (and practically relevant) problems greatly enhances the usefulness of the content.
If you ask general questions, you might just get general answers here, which might be much less useful than anticipated, even if the idea behind asking them is educational (i.e. wanting to learn the field). I think that text books or tutorials are a better fit for this, but I could also imagine some kind of meta questions (but still ontopic), where you basically ask about a very general topic and people answer with related Q&A pairs. Or Articles could be something for general questions but they aren't there yet.
Questions which ask for opinion or questions which can have many possible answers are closed. “How to” questions fall into this category. Questions which don’t get closed on Stack Overflow are questions which can have a single correct answer.
It is a pity that Stack Overflow is closed to questions which require more general answers or opinions. Allowing experts provide advice in open forum would be very valuable. Stack Overflow encourages people to answer questions more that it must encourage to ask questions. The ratio of consumers to contributors means that this must be the case. The result is that the site favors questions which are faster to answer and easier to verify as correct.
I'm going to be blatantly honest and give a yes or no answer.
It'll get closed because of the so called "Lack of debugging info" because they're like "Oh my god, it's an XY question! Unacceptable!". XY questions may be bad, but that doesn't mean they're off-topic. In some cases, asking the X instead of the Y might be less well received. After all, your Y could be someone's X, so they're far from off-topic, if you ask an XY question, it's going to harm you; not the site. So, XY questions should be okay. In fact, XY questions should be asked. Even if you now know how to solve the problem, you need to know why the other solutions you tried had failed. You should ask both an X and a Y question.
People will somehow find a way to see your "How to" as an XY and close it because it somehow lacks debugging information. To be honest, Stack Overflow is just a competition for whose bug is the hardest to solve these days.
There aren't really any straightforward "How to" questions left after so many years and if you're going to ask one, it is going to be specific and will probably be seen as an XY due to that.
I will get downvotes for saying this and due to the meta effect, my reputation will get lower, but I'm unafraid of saying the truth. All useful Stack Overflow stuff are a few years old, these days, it's just debugging people's problems. And maybe someone has an interesting problem, in which case it may be useful.
So, treat Stack Overflow like an archived website and a debugging help website. Other than that, you're off to a fall. There are many people, and you will get your answer at least as a comment, but you'll soon get banned from asking questions.
There aren't really any new questions to be asked these days, other than debugging ones, so it is expected. We'll have to wait for a new language to blow up.
Okay, now you may downvote this (or upvote). Just do whatever you like, but please don't go downvoting my Stack Overflow questions and answers just because you hate me.
, typing
and now pattern matching for just the batteries included. There are tons of third-party libraries around it which do not rest either. That's a decades old language, and it's far from "done".
Nov 19, 2021 at 14:11