I recently noticed the period is periodically being used in ways that do not conform with the tag description:
A period of time is an interval, a span of time.
I realized that many uses of the period tag would be in reference to the . punctuation character. There were also some period questions that dealt with the period of a trigonometric (or other) function.
(Personal aside:) There's already so much activity on SO that it seems hard to feel like one can contribute in a meaningful way. Seeing as how the period tag had a specific definition and that some old questions were misusing the tag - I thought I had found a way to help and clean up a dusty corner of SO.
It is apparently bad form to clean-up mis-tags in a focused way on your own, as I ended up hearing from the moderators and had all of the tag-only edits that I had made reverted (nearly 40 posts edited over the course of three weeks). The encouragement was to bring the question up here on Meta, before proceeding further...
So I started doing some reading and found a few prime proposals per the proper perpetuation (or pausing) of the period tagging practice... And I thought I'd list them here for discussion:
- Periodically purify the period tag from questions that are mis-tagged (i.e. don't refer to a period of time)
- Polish up our use of the period tag by disambiguation (e.g. change the tags to be time-period and function-period, etc.)
- Purge the period tag altogether through burnination
- Propose yet some other method to deal with that tag, period.
My apologies if my first Meta question was not properly put-together!
EDIT: In my response to the moderators, I mentioned that I fully intended to leave the "period" tag on all questions that referred to:
- working with a period of time
- working with intervals of time
- code using a Period object
- (I was even leaving it on questions that deal with) how to implement something with regularity
Perhaps those perogatives pass for proper period placement?
is cut off with ... in the "featured on meta" sidebar, so I had to open the link to see what the question was about. Perhaps period's position can be promoted, perhaps to a prefix? (Or not actually a prefix, just earlier.)Number
Objects that master all Prog-Langs using those 4 "Universal" Objects...? +Addition
for "1+1", +Concatenation
for "per+iod", etc,period
as defined in the Tag is simply a Subtraction between 2Date
(Time) Objects... And it's the same Concept in all Prog-Langs, only the Syntax is sometimes a bit different...