Yes, but let's go one step further:
Articles should have no influence on reputation at all.
The failed SO documentation project had a lot of issues, and quite a few of those were due to the fact that you could earn rep for writing documentation. That was a bad incentive for docs, and seems to be a bad incentive for articles as well. Keep the voting, that part's useful (or at least not harmful), just don't attach reputation to article votes.
For the moment only recognized users can post articles, but the plan for Collectives is that admins review articles submitted by normal members. Once the submission process is opened to regular users, these admins will have enough work to do with spotting plagiarized articles (e.g. using content copypasted from official docs or random blog posts, or even from other articles) as well as filtering out low-quality content without there being a reputation incentive for writing an article.
If I'm completely wrong about this and nobody (including recognized users) can be bothered to write an article if they don't get imaginary internet points for doing so, well, you can still add it back in. But it would seem like the best idea to start without a rep incentive and only add it if it turns out that it's required.
if (Post.PostTypeId != PostTypes.Question) { User.Reputation = User.Reputation - 1; }