I've been a member for quite some time now, mostly in Java programming, trying to move into iOS programming now.
When asking questions in Java, I exactly knew what was needed to count as an MRE, basically a main
method with a way to isolate the problem, but when asking questions for iOS I always get confused as to what would be considered OK to post and what not, and what might just be noise into the question.
I currently have a question for a game I'm making, so if any of you could look at the format of it: SpriteKit keep moving player in current direction while falling after touchesEnded and the previous question I asked: SpriteKit scrolling background image showing line between images, and tell me what can I improve in any future questions I might have.
Another question I asked before that basically contained a ton of classes is this one, where I had to post a GitHub link to the Interface Builder files (.xib): How to show the standard number keyboard without a UITextField in Swift on viewDidLoad
If my issues were about logic, non-UI related a playground might be enough, but when dealing with UI problems, how can I post those Interface Builder files or storyboards or how could I show it without linking to a GitHub repository with the MRE there? Or in the case of my game, are the assets needed?
I'm just trying to improve how I ask questions in this new environment.