This query does that for you.
The query uses a CTE to find in the PostHistory table the posts you edited or rolledback. The rows with PostHistoryTypeid 4 till 9 will indicate that. Once we have that set we can join with PostHistory again to find the posts that were edited / rolledback after you put your edit in.
;with PostsEdited as
select distinct postid, creationdate
from posthistory
where userid = ##userid:int?3064538##
and posthistorytypeid in (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) -- edits, rollback
select distinct
ph.postid [Post Link]
, ph.creationdate
, case ph.posthistorytypeid
when 4 then case when ph.userid < 0 then 'community' else 'edit' end
when 5 then case when ph.userid < 0 then 'community' else 'edit' end
when 6 then case when ph.userid < 0 then 'community' else 'edit' end
when 7 then 'rollback'
when 8 then 'rollback'
when 9 then 'rollback'
end [edit/rollback]
from posthistory ph
inner join PostsEdited pe
on pe.postid = ph.postid
and ph.posthistorytypeid in (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) -- edits, rollback
and pe.creationdate < ph.creationdate
and ph.userid <> ##userid:int?3064538##
order by ph.creationdate desc
When run today this is your result:
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