When you flag a question for the community-specific reason, "This question belongs on another site in the Stack Exchange network", there is no option to select the Information Security Stack Exchange. These are the only options:
Server Fault is also available as an option elsewhere in the flagging menus. But it seems to me that Information Security should be an option also. I often find questions that are better suited for that site and it would be good to have an option for that so those questions can be more quickly given an appropriate flag.
I understand that requests to add more options when flagging for migration have not been well-received, historically:
- Flagging migration should include more options
- More options when flagging for migration
- When voting to migrate an off-topic question, why is the list of sites limited?
- Off topic questions and redirect to affiliated sites
But I've noticed that IT-related questions that are not about programming seem to come up often enough to make inclusion on the list above helpful. Has anyone else noticed a high frequency of migration-suited questions that belong on the Information Security site? Maybe there is data on this but I don't have access to it.