Coming from Removing pip's cache?
Since the question was asked in 2012, pip has obviously evolved and I just posted an answer there noting the current "here's how you can do things", with information about functionality added that's been added since, that directly addresses the question asked (and mentions "adjacent" new functionality related to it) and makes it easier/nicer to do so.
puts on pip maintainer hat
However, given that this question has a >500 votes accepted answer, I'm doubtful that this newly posted answer would ever get surfaced high enough for most users to see (I doubt even 1% of the traffic to the question would see something this low in such a question). Now, I know that a lot of pip's users will hit this page when they google around for a solution and not having the "here's the nicest ways you can do things with the recent versions" answer on top isn't ideal. I'd like this information to be surfaced, so that it makes the newly added functionality more discoverable and push adoption of those nicer approaches.
puts down pip maintainer hat
In theory, I have the required reputation to go and edit any of the posts appropriately but... all the approaches that I've come up with feel sub-optimal in some form:
Editing the question to add this information feels like putting the information in the wrong place.
Editing the accepted answer feels incorrect -- it clearly changes the original post far beyond what it was originally. Plus, it attributes the reputation to the wrong user. :)
Not doing anything hurts the discoverability of the functionality that's been added since the question/answer were posted. The newly posted answer may never actually come up high enough.
Adding a link from the currently-accepted-answer to the newly posted answer feels like the most appropriate tool (directs people to the current info, does not modify existing post's content, pushes users to upvote the newly posted answer); but also "feels wrong" from some reason that I'm not able to pin down.
What's the best way to deal with a situation like this?
Related Meta questions:
- How to retire outdated information?: the information there is "outdated" in the sense that it's not the best way to do stuff now -- yes, but it'll still work. :shrug:
- Good question, old version-dependent answer: the workarounds still work, but there are better ways to do this now; we've made changes to improve the UX in this space.
- How to deal with hugely upvoted, bad and outdated answers?: it's not a bad answer, but it's not the best answer anymore.