This query shows the number of answers posted to questions for a specific tag each week:
select dateadd(week, datepart(week,a.creationdate) , concat(year(a.creationdate),'-01-01')) [date]
, count(*) [answers]
from posts q
inner join posts a on a.parentid =
inner join posttags pt on pt.postid =
inner join tags t on = pt.tagid
where t.tagname = ##tagname:string?tfs##
group by dateadd(week, datepart(week,a.creationdate) , concat(year(a.creationdate),'-01-01'))
order by dateadd(week, datepart(week,a.creationdate) , concat(year(a.creationdate),'-01-01'))
Here is the graph for entity-framework:
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