I recently failed this review audit, over an answer to this question, which placed me in an automated review ban. I say it's automated based off this answer.
I disagree with the audit. The system notified me that it had identified the post as possible spam, so before providing feedback I looked at the question's other answers to check for potential plagiarism sources. Seeing no direct copies, I spun up the handy-dandy MetaSmoke search to see if there had been any reports for that post or user. Once again, nothing. The user under review had numerous other, legitimate answers; I figured it was a safe bet that this answer was alright as well.
Having satisfied myself that the post wasn't spam, I gave it a last look-over. The answer used methods similar to those found other answers, but different enough that (I thought) it could stand on its own. So I clicked the "No Action Needed" button.
Apparently that was the wrong choice, and I got slapped into the timeout box. Normally I'd use that as an excuse to take the weekend off, but this timeout situation has happened before via a similar process (system-marked possible spam, didn't see anything to back that up, then "wrongly" marked as ok). For both this case as well as the previous one, I was only given one post in the ban message as an example of tasks I should have reviewed differently. From that I can only assume both timeouts were dispensed as a direct result of those individual failures, rather than a series of failures directly preceding them.
If I was indeed wrong, I would appreciate some guidance as to what I should have done additionally/differently. As far as I know, I performed my due diligence for that review and I don't believe I should be in timeout.