"Delegation" is a concept in access control, by which one user or role can permit its authority to be used by another authenticated identity or group.
So why does the tag wiki for delegation talk about the unrelated concept of a "delegate" (bound function pointer)?
Can we claim delegation back for the authorization concept, or if not, then edit the tag wiki to provide instruction on the appropriate tag for it, so that authorization questions such as these don't get mixed in with unrelated stuff?
- Domain-wide delegation
- Double hop SQL delegation not working
- WCF Custom Delegation/Authentication without Kerberos
- How can i start a console application using the 'network service' account
- Accessing the data of other users using access delegation in Android
There is also a concept of "interface delegation" often called "forwarding" and related to COM "aggregation" and inheritance. This is not closely related to either authorization or bound function pointers. I could certainly understand if the delegation tag is given to this use, but all the "delegate"/bound function pointer questions are in dire need of retagging to delegate.
In summary:
- Bound function pointer questions need to be retagged to delegate
- The tag wiki for delegation needs to be rewritten to explicitly cover one of the two competing correct uses of "delegation" (either access control delegation or interface delegation)
- The tag wiki should point people interested in bound function pointers to [tag: delegate], and people interested in the looser meaning of "delegation" to the proper tag for that meaning.