I recently noticed rather unusual pattern in some question titles: these start with word "say", followed by what I would call a real title, in quotation marks.
After noticing pair of such questions I run this simple search and it looks rather popular (I listed some recent examples below). These questions tend to be rather poor but other than that I could not find if they have anything else in common, tags and question texts and askers all look different to me.
What could be the reason to write titles like that, to circumvent some system block on the titles?
Examples promised above (most are deleted now but I saved the titles):
- Say “Program type already present: com.google.android.youtube.player.internal.u”
- Say “How to get data array for a numpy array with python"
- Say “How to fix ‘Headers already sent’ error in PHP”
- Say “How to know the content of a variable using VB.net”
- Say “Is there any code for split the image as two parts in horizontally in JSP”
- say“ An error occurred while running a bundle”
- Say “_pickle.UnpicklingError: invalid load key, '\x06'.”
- Say “how to create the live notification inside the App eg like ”Flipkart bell symbol "
- Say “Could not find io.micronaut.configuration:micronaut-elasticsearch”
- say “how to reslove this error in python code”
- say “Me.CrystalReportViewer1.CachedPageNumberPerDoc = 10” error on form
- Say “I am having a slider with seek function for seeking audio files, but it was not smooth while scrolling?”
- Say“how to return back to the while loop after certain condition in if else statement”