I have encountered several questions in actionscript-3 that were formed as if the asker doesn't even know what should he do with the code he posts in the question, one of them even had a code copy pasted from flash.utils.Sound
online docs. I don't understand whether to just close them outright would be the best action. The main problem is that those that ask these questions are using new accounts, so I can't immediately say if trolling, stupid, or educationally degraded, or maybe even unable to ask properly because English for them is foreign, and I have to abide by Stack Overflow/Stack Exchange's new code of conduct that says "be nice to newcomers". But if asked this face to face, I'd either laugh at them if they are not first-grade students or tell them to RTFM if they are. Here in Stack Overflow, I'm just leaving them a comment saying something IMO Useful for a generic them, or a downvote if I can't form any kind of reply, but I feel it's not the best possible reaction to such questions. So, how do you think, how should a Stack Overflow member with enough experience to detect cargo cult coding attempts in their proficiency area react to a question that looks like an attempt to use some code found elsewhere blindly?
PS: No sarcasm intended.
means. I think a good 50% of my comments/answers on AS3 questions are just links to documentation, because they don't read it. Downvote and move on.