As of late, I have certainly noticed an influx of low-quality questions. These questions are typically of the following caliber:
- Help with a homework assignment
- Incoherent and poorly-articulated even when it's obvious English is their native language
- No indication that the asker has debugged their issue ("it doesn't work why")
- Distinct lack of understanding of fundamental basics
I will say that I haven't been using SE as much lately, but the frequency that I encounter low-quality questions is certainly far higher now than it has ever been. Could it be that there are new algorithms that are giving lower-quality answers higher priority in an effort to give beginner questions more exposure? If not, I wonder if the new "be nice" policy can be held to account to a degree. It seems like all this new coddling has ushered in a wave of programmers that lack any sense of resourcefulness or self-sufficiency. I am all for being considerate to newcomers as I was once naive in my field, but I can assert as fact that I always made every attempt to grasp the basics before heading off to a Q&A forum to ask for help.
Anyway, I await the inevitable thrashing that I will take for this post. Please, do not be kind. Hit me with your worst.