Almost four years ago I asked if we should allow experienced users to instantly approve edits after viewing a question.
75 people voted it up, and 5 voted it down (plus more now that I've posted this!). But after a couple months, a moderator answered by saying "You can already do this", namely that if you click "Improve Edit" (and perhaps make a meaningless change to the post, which of course is against the guidelines), the earlier pending edit will be instantly approved implicitly.
This is not good UX. It is tricky, roundabout, hidden, and encourages the bad behavior of meaningless edits. The moderator said of the workaround:
Hey, you said you wanted this for experienced users... Well, experience required.
The moderator then shut down the discussion by tagging it status-completed
with no action taken.
It is not completed. 3.5 years later, the problem persists. Let's fix it!
This topic is not a duplicate of the prior one, because now we know that you "can" do this, but I am now asking to make the UX obvious rather than tricky. I simply want the "Approve" button to instantly approve, when the user got to that page by first viewing the question.