In academia, the h-index for an author is h if h is the largest number for which there are at least h papers cited at least h times. There has been interest in devising an h-index analogue for Stack Overflow answer authors (cf. Add metrics to profile page to measure the users influence and Stack Overflow h-index metric?). While there is a SEDE query that calculates an h-index for a specific user, it would be nice to have an h-index ranking as well, in order to have a better idea of to which extent it highlights contributions differently from the usual metrics (e.g. reputation and tag scores).


1 Answer 1


There are at least two ways of defining a h-index analogue for Stack Overflow. One of them substitutes answer scores for citation counts.

An alternative h-index, as suggested by Mike McCaughan, uses the number of duplicates that have the parent question as target instead of the answer score. That is a less straightforward metric, but it arguably provides a closer match to the academia h-index.

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