Whats happened here then?
Mac OS: 10.13.3 Safari: 11.0.3
commit 6055fde149b4f8311234baca9d36f80e34ef80e2
Author: Benjamin Dumke-von der Ehe
Date: Mon Jan 29 20:56:56 2018 +0100
Safari is the new IE
-@supports (display: contents) {
+ While `@supports (display: contents)` clearly means
+ > only apply this CSS if you support `display: contents`,
+ Safari takes this to be more of a suggestion than a strict requirement
+ and applies it anyway, despite *not* supporting `display: contents`.
+ So we also use a (negative) feature query to browser-sniff Safari.
+ Remember how feature queries were supposed to end the need for these hacks? Yup.
+@supports (display: contents) and (not (-apple-trailing-word: auto)) {