I just realized that the page title is different from the question title. As per my little bit of experience, the page title should be the question title followed by Stack Overflow, as shown below:
How to sort an array? - Stack Overflow
The above page title is good for SEO purposes. I have just reviewed some questions which have different page titles, different from the question titles.
I just want to know: How is the page title built?
Question 1: ✘
I expected:
How to validate email address in JavaScript? - Stack Overflow
Actual title:
regex - How to validate email address in JavaScript? - Stack Overflow
Question 2 ✔
I expected:
How do I remove a property from a JavaScript object? - Stack Overflow
Actual title:
How do I remove a property from a JavaScript object? - Stack Overflow
Question 3: ✘
I expected:
How do I check if an element is hidden in jQuery? - Stack Overflow
Actual title:
javascript - How do I check if an element is hidden in jQuery? - Stack Overflow