As you have pointed out, many languages simply don't make the distinction between jagged arrays and multidimensional arrays at all. PHP in particular has the audacity to call the following a "multidimensional array" just because it contains at least one array, because it calls any ordered collections of items "arrays":
$multidimensionalArray = [
'a' => 'foo',
'b' => [1, 2]
So the real problem here is that the term "multidimensional array" itself is overloaded — languages can't even agree on what constitutes an array, let alone a multidimensional one, but when it comes to nesting them the vast majority of languages seem to prefer calling them "multidimensional" over "nested" or "jagged" (probably because it sounds cooler). I don't think there is much Stack Overflow can do to solve this problem. The best we can do is accommodate it as much as we can within our tagging system. To wit: the reason nested-array points to multidimensional-array is because we don't need two separate tags about the same, overloaded, term; if a user is working with "nested arrays", many languages are happy to call them "multidimensional arrays", regardless of what the user actually means.
And as far as most folks are concerned, a single-dimensional array whose elements are all arrays that can be relied on to always be equal in size is indistinguishable from a multidimensional array, regardless of implementation details.
If the distinction is important, for example in languages like C# that have separate notations for jagged arrays and multidimensional arrays:
int[][] jaggedArray;
int[,] multidimensionalArray;
... there's always the jagged-arrays tag, I guess. Most people who even know the term "jagged array" probably understand the distinction between the two and can therefore use that knowledge to, say, retag mistagged questions.
And now I'm really bothered by the fact that multidimensional-array is singular while jagged-arrays and arrays are plural but I can't do anything about it thanks to certain restrictions by the tag synonym system.
is not a synonym ofmultidimensional-array
myArray(row, column)
compared to indexing nested arrays:myArray(row)(column)