All cases of voting fraud should be reversed if confirmed, regardless of age
Voting is the fundamental metric upon which the site is built. Voting fraud1 is unacceptable. Any such cases which you reasonably suspect should be reported and reviewed by those with access to the information to make an actual determination. This should happen regardless of how long ago the voting fraud occurred. While we might decide that there is a statue of limitations on being punished for voting fraud, there is none for reversing ill-gotten gains (upvoting) or correcting the loss from fraudulent downvoting.
Use other methods for bulk reporting
The normal way to report such things is to flag for moderator attention using a custom flag. However, given that there are literally thousands of cases which you've identified, it's probably desirable to transfer the information in some way other than individually flagging.
The obvious alternatives for communicating the information are:
You will have to wait for a response indicating how it's desired to communicate such a large quantity of information. The most likely is either a flag with a pointer to the data/tools or using the "contact us" link. Frankly, this situation sounds like one where the best solution is for people to work together to find a solution, as opposed to you just submitting thousands of flags which can have relatively little context given the nature of flags (limited characters for description).
Probably desirable to provide tools
Personally, if I were a CM that was going to be reviewing these, I would want to be informed of them in bulk and have access to the tools you are using to find these cases (I assume it's SEDE queries). Having access to those tools would allow the CM to build upon that code, incorporating private information which is unavailable in SEDE. Having access to to the tool(s) you are using would allow them not to have to begin from scratch. It would also allow them to add additional criteria, based on private information, to automatically filter out cases which should not be considered. Obviously, it also permits them to filter in additional cases which might be easily identifiable with access to private information.
Having the tool(s) in the hands of the person/people performing the actual review would allow them to more efficiently handle the cases in bulk, rather than have to handle each case in isolation. While each case certainly deserves to be individually considered, at the volume of a few/several thousand identified instances, it is very helpful to be able to refine the automatic review to the extent reasonably possible. Doing so should provide the most time-efficient method (from everyone's point of view) of handling this flood of cases.
Age, priority and time to review/correct
The review and reversal should occur regardless of age. However, it should be clear that something like this, which has existed on the site for years, should be given a lower priority than more immediate, pressing concerns. Thus, I would not be surprised if full review/correction of so many cases stretched out over many weeks, or months.
1. Voting fraud defined broadly as both actual fraud (e.g. sockpuppets) and voting in patterns which are considered unacceptable to the community (e.g. serial up- or down-voting).