Sunset in the west

We will stop accepting contributions to Documentation on August 8 2017

On behalf of everyone who worked on Documentation, I want to thank all 15,451 users who contributed. We particularly want to acknowledge the 294 people who tested the private beta and the 2,361 who pounded on the public beta in its first month. Your efforts taught us so much about how collaborative editing works and how it fails. We also appreciate the dozens of people we interviewed over the past year. These were eye-opening conversations and immeasurably useful for improving the product. (I also enjoyed being able to get to know some of you over a hangout.) Our top concern at this point is to honor the trust you put in us. We hope you will be willing to participate in future betas, but even if not, we remain in your debt for your efforts with this one.

While it might not seem obvious, we are deeply grateful for both the positive and negative feedback we’ve received on meta. Many people told us this project was too ambitious and that we hadn’t considered some of the deep challenges inherent in what we were attempting. You were, of course, correct. Most likely I wouldn’t be making this announcement if we’d aimed our sights a bit lower. On the other hand, we wouldn’t have learned nearly as much.

Why was this decision made and why now?

We were really excited about this project and I'm disappointed that this is the choice we had to make, but it's the right decision and something that we always knew was a possible outcome. Last December I wrote a series of contingency plans in case we needed to shut Documentation down. Some of the options I considered made it into the plan described after the linebreak. But the entirety of one plan was “Just succeed instead.” That is no longer a possibility.

We still think Stack Overflow Documentation is a good idea. Kevin Montrose’s initial research has mostly been proven correct. Not only did our own survey show that developers rely on official documentation to learn, GitHub's Open Source Survey showed "incomplete or confusing documentation" to be the top pain point. Unfortunately, we can't afford to work on the problem at the moment. While we have an exceptional team of engineers, there just aren't enough of them to support all the projects Stack Overflow is working on.

In order to hire more people, we need to make more money. That might mean helping more developers find a great job or selling more ads or signing up more businesses to use Enterprise. In the future, it might mean selling Channels to new teams. The business pitch for Documentation was that it'd bring in new users who might be in the market for a job. If the feature were particularly successful, it would create new opportunities to sell advertisements. At the end of 2016, we established a metric to aim for: substantially increase the number of Documentation users.

By May, it was clear we weren't on the right path. New users weren't coming to Documentation. So we went back to the drawing board and started another round of user interviews focused on Transact SQL. We brought on a user experience researcher to help us interview technical writers. The results were encouraging in the sense that we know a lot more about what makes for great documentation and how we might support that effort. But it was also clear fixing Documentation would require a significantly larger team.

In addition, it’ll be a very long time before that work will pay off in terms of bringing new users to Stack Overflow. Our interviews showed even very experienced users of T-SQL felt inadequate to contribute documentation. Users with less Stack Overflow experience tended to be intimidated by the prospect of making even trivial edits. So the programmers most likely to become Documentation contributors were already heavily engaged in using Stack Overflow.

Finally, our research showed that while a lot of developers were dissatisfied, the current state of programming documentation is not universally broken the way Q&A was when Stack Overflow started. In particular, we heard over and over that Stack Overflow has become de facto documentation for many technologies. As many of you pointed out, Stack Overflow is already good enough at providing documentation of obscure features. Even when considering just the company's mission of helping programmers “learn, share their knowledge and build their careers”, Documentation isn’t the most efficient use of resources.

Even though this outcome has been a disappointment, most of us agree it was the right decision. If so, I hope we'll be able to revisit documentation in the coming years. However, as the ancient Hebrew proverb says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick; but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” This was a mature and responsible decision, but that doesn’t cure the heartsickness.

Will anything come out of this experiment?

Yes! As Shog pointed out, we've already learned quite a bit from doing things we couldn’t do otherwise. It's too soon to know exactly what we'll be able to port over to Q&A, but I'm excited about the possibilities of CommonMark, technology versions support, shared drafts, better collaborative editing and dated links to previous revisions. Before we leave Documentation, the team will compile what we learned so that we can draw from the knowledge in the future. And, as I will describe below, we’ll publish all of the content generated in Documentation.

More importantly, we've changed our approach to product development across the company. When we started Documentation, our discovery phase was largely done without interviewing typical users. Up to that point, most new features on Stack Exchange were developed with input from Meta or entirely internally. If a feature got used, we'd refine it or just declare victory. If a feature wasn't used, we typically removed it only if was actively causing harm. However, after our experience with the Documentation Beta, we've learned to focus more of our efforts on pre-development research.

For instance, the Documentation team already decided the outline of the feature before coming to meta with the initial announcement. By contrast, our newly formed Developer Affinity & Growth team asked for help setting priorities based on themes and user stories. Documentation’s private beta fleshed out most of the functionality. By contrast, the new mentoring proposal is a minimal viable product that is arguably too minimal. We’re certain to have failed projects in the future, but we’re working to fail a lot earlier in the process.

How will the feature be phased out?

After August 8, 2017 at 1700 UTC, we’ll disable proposed changes and wait for pending changes to be reviewed. Once the review queue is cleared, it'll be removed from the review menu and page. We’re still working out the other details, which I will try to explain below. For some of this, we need your feedback in order to do right by the community. This probably won’t be the last time we discontinue a beta feature and now is a good time to set a healthy precedent.

What happens to content?

As with all content contributed by the community, you own it and we merely have a license. Since we want to make it as easy as possible for you to recover your work, we'll be listening for suggestions in the answers below. At a minimum, we'll provide a JSON archive similar to what we already provide for live content. Let us know what you'd prefer.

What happens to reputation?

Reputation earned on Documentation will be retained—probably in the form of a one-time grant shortly after Documentation ends. We have a longstanding policy of preserving reputation even after worthwhile content is removed. While not all of the content in Documentation is exceptional, that's mostly on us and not on users, who acted in good faith. We looked to see how many people earned privileges on Stack Overflow without participating much or at all in Q&A. As it turns out, we mostly failed to attract new users to the site with Documentation, so revoking reputation would only affect a thousand or so users in terms of privileges compared to nearly 20k people who would lose reputation.

What happens to badges?

We also have a longstanding policy against revoking badges. But we've never had a badge set for a discontinued beta feature either. While we could just retire them, it seems confusing to show expired Documentation features on the list of badges. In addition, we'd lose a lot of good names for potential future badges. As a compromise, anyone who earned a Documentation badge other than Educated (for reading the tour) will be issued a newly minted silver Documentation Beta badge. Does this seem fair?

What about links to Documentation?

Unfortunately, discontinuing Documentation will be breaking the internet just a bit. As of this writing, there are 3382 links from Q&A posts to an Example and 2199 links to some other Documentation page (usually an entire Topic). Ideally, we’d keep those links live, but because of the nature of the content, that would leave a lot of information that could easily become outdated without a mechanism to fix it. The next best thing would be a plan to automate the movement of content into the post itself. That might work for many examples, but probably not for entire topics.

One suggested approach: we automatically generate suggested edits from the Community user and submit them incrementally as there is space in the queue. For links to non-Examples, we think it will be sufficient to remove the sentence with the link. Many of these sentences start with phrases such as “You could read more about X at [Docs link]”.

Links to specific examples seem more likely to be integral to posts, so the team is looking at ways to bring them into answers in a new section. Doing this via suggested edits will allow the community to reject or improve automated edits. (And authors can always override the community if they prefer.) The key will be to find a workable template and make sure the suggested edits don’t waste too much community effort.

Until the suggested edit process is finished, Documentation pages will remain available on the site. After that, links will redirect to a landing page explaining what happened and where to get the data dump. There's not a whole lot more we can do for links external to the network, unfortunately. On the plus side, there probably aren’t that many anyway.

We’d like to hear what you think of this approach. It’s entirely possible there are better ideas we just haven’t considered. This plan is far from settled.

What about all the questions on Meta?

I’m going to be going through the ~1,500 unaddressed meta questions and either close or put a status tag on them. Our community produced many great conversations and suggestions, so I don’t plan to delete anything. I could probably slap on everything, but I’d rather take the opportunity to make sure we have the feedback incorporated in our retrospective.

What about . . . ?

The most important thing we're looking for in answers are feedback on the mechanics sunsetting, especially making the content available to contributors and repairing broken links. That said, if you have any additional questions or comments, feel free to post them as answers below. We also plan to write a retrospective on the blog and make this a topic of an upcoming Town Hall Chat. I’m planning a few posts for my personal blog as well. Documentation might be coming to an end, but we’re not close to done talking about it.

  • 245
    Amusing how this was announced at around the same time as the blog post on Flash.
    – BoltClock Mod
    Commented Aug 1, 2017 at 17:17
  • 17
    While we do preserve reputation we only do it when the content has been around for longer than 60 days and has a 3 score or more. You do lose edit suggestion rep if the post is deleted. Are you going to have the docs rep jive with that or is all rep being kept? Commented Aug 1, 2017 at 17:28
  • 22
    @NathanOliver We, in good faith, want to let users of Docs keep their earned rep. Few things about Docs makes it hard/unfair to do it any other way. With us not accepting any more contributions and sunsetting it, it does not give newer approved posts the 60 days window. We also do not have nearly enough activity on Docs to justify the votes criteria.
    – Vasudha Swaminathan StaffMod
    Commented Aug 1, 2017 at 17:40
  • 27
    @Servy: The argument here isn't that the content was useful, but that users acted in good faith. It's really the same concept as for Q&A posts deleted after they've been live several months. The difference is that the thing that changed was not community sentiment about the usefulness of the content, but the existence of the feature itself. (Also, not much point in arguing about reputation from examples without votes as they didn't earn much reputation at all. A rounding error in the grand scheme of things.)
    – Jon Ericson StaffMod
    Commented Aug 1, 2017 at 17:52
  • 50
    "[...] a newly minted silver Documentation Beta badge. Does this seem fair?" - How about a gold badge for users who were awarded with all Documentation badges? :p
    – honk
    Commented Aug 1, 2017 at 18:12
  • 41
    The silver badge sounds nice, but dang if it isn't replacing 3 silver badges and 8 bronze ones... as well as my first ever fully-achieved badge section. I like @honk's suggestion... a silver badge for those who participated and a gold badge for those who earned every single badge in the Docs section :-)
    – TylerH
    Commented Aug 1, 2017 at 18:36
  • 12
    @Zanon: It does. We kinda have a backlog of items in the Community Bulletin at the moment, however. The plan is to feature it after the election is over and announced. We're going to also have a banner on Docs pages explaining the situation soon.
    – Jon Ericson StaffMod
    Commented Aug 1, 2017 at 18:49
  • 87
    Ouch. This must have been difficult, but this is a courageous decision. My point for the retrospective: In the eagerness to encourage participation you've offered easy reputation, which tempted many users into editing and expanding popular 'examples' - this led to some terrible results. Reputation should be more difficult to get.
    – Kobi
    Commented Aug 1, 2017 at 19:57
  • 91
    Holy cow. Sorry the thing you were excited about didn't work out. But kudos for having perspective enough to let it go.
    – jscs
    Commented Aug 1, 2017 at 21:38
  • 27
    Why not create a gold, silver and bronze documentation-beta badge, and award each of them once each for each documentation badge you had? So if you had 2 silver and 5 bronze doco badges, you'd get 2 documentation-beta-silver and 5 documentation-beta-bronze badges. Solves every problem? Commented Aug 2, 2017 at 1:18
  • 13
    @ChristianDean: One note of caution: removing the link will also remove reputation in the event of a recalculation. You can always do it after the 8th when Docs reputation is locked.
    – Jon Ericson StaffMod
    Commented Aug 2, 2017 at 18:05
  • 69
    “While we have an exceptional team of engineers, there just aren't enough of them to support all the projects” – I don’t believe we can or should blame this on the developers. I believe they did a great job and don’t think just throwing more of them or “better” ones at Docs could have saved it. Docs’ original approach was already flawed, as the community attempted to point out repeatedly. This is not something that could be blamed on any of the developers working on it. – I’m sorry to see all the made effort into Docs go to waste, but I’m also glad that the correct decision was made now.
    – poke
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 7:03
  • 134
    It took me a while into the post to realise that "sunsetting" is pointless business speak for "cancelling" or "shutting down completely". I would have guessed it meant the beta was ending and it was rolling out into production, or something.
    – Pod
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 8:46
  • 18
    @poke: I agree. SImply throwing more developers at the problem would not have helped. Instead we threw more researchers at it. Our interviews with programmers who don't use Stack Overflow, technical writers and users heavily invested in Documentation helped us spec out a new design. Unfortunately, that new design did need more developers, designers and researchers to implement. I plan to share more of our findings in the next few weeks.
    – Jon Ericson StaffMod
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 16:19
  • 50
    I respect Stack Overflow a lot for this. Documentation was a well-meaning idea that always seemed slightly off to me because the goal of becoming a Stack Overflow-like presence for documentation would be in competition with, instead of a good complement to, a technology's official resources. In a world where companies, especially VC funded ones, are eager to move ahead with their own grand plans without considering whether they do any good or align with what their users want, this decision is a refreshing reminder that focus, listening and humility are good things.
    – Jesper
    Commented Aug 4, 2017 at 10:41

48 Answers 48


Oh that's so sad... I really liked the idea. Something that just popped into my head while I was reading this, is that I never viewed a question or answer that had any documentation link pasted in it, not even one. Maybe if you made it clear, obvious and easy to answer to questions with links to the docs, it would bring a lot of people to that part of the site, reading that, and probably improving/adding content while we're at it. I'm no guru on any subject, but if it was as simple as 'click and read', maybe it would attract me. Heck, I find myself wandering a lot on WorldBuilding.SE or any other SE site just because there are hotlinks right there besides the answers!

Maybe something like what you do with the questions titles, where you suggest titles that have already been asked before. If you suggested links to docs while people are writing answers, then probably that person would link to it, check it themselves and possibly even contribute.

  • The means to include a link to Documentation was right there in the editor toolbar, and all you really needed to do was paste in a link. The reason these links weren't included in very many answers is because the quality of Documentation was...sub-par, and experts didn't want to recommend it.
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Aug 29, 2017 at 13:04
  • That might be the case. As I said, I'm no expert and don't usually answer questions (because I don't know the answer to them). I know that pasting a link is ez-pz, but what I think would make a lot of sense is to display a suggestion to the docs (both when asking and when answering). It's too late, though, for what it appears. Maybe if you later bring it back, you could make a few changes and perhaps this suggestion could be studied aswell. Commented Aug 29, 2017 at 13:34

Despite the fact that most software tries to provide some documentation, it is often not very good, hence the need for services like Stack Overflow to fill in the many gaps with user contributions.

But starting a pure community-supported documentation effort modeled on the Q and A framework of Stack Overflow is not necessarily the right approach for several reasons people are now aware of. Wikis are another approach, but they also fall short of the goal for other reasons.

However, have you considered expanding Stack Overflow to turn the Q and A format into something even more useful, which might eventually turn out to be a step in the direction of better documentation? What I am suggesting is organizing the questions and answers already created, essentially improving the searchability and browsability of the ever growing and useful resource that is now organized as merely lists of questions.

We need more than just a simple set of tags associated with each question, useful as that is. For example, simplify the searching and browsing on multiple tags, or create higher level 'topics' which are defined by a set of tags. And we need more than just a simple unstructured list of possibly related questions; we need a verified list of related questions, grouped in various ways that will actually have a chance of being useful.

It would be useful to have something like the FAQs that are the supposedly frequent questions but more often the likely questions that may not even be asked. Moreover, FAQs are often organized by topic and sub topic, and readable from top to bottom almost like a tutorial.

My suggestion is to leverage the community in greatly improving what you already have in a way that incrementally grows it out of its current niche, which has been proven to work, into neighboring niches. Rather than starting something new, which has many risks associated with it, even though it might be closely related, it is far safer and more effective to grow what is already known to work. The main question is what path for that migration is actually going to work, and that might be difficult to determine without experimentation.

  • 1
    Not very useful yet. You disagree with improving Stack Overflow at all? You disagree that the improvements I hinted at might be a step in the direction of better documentation? You disagree that the Documentation project should have been cancelled (which I am not suggesting)? What?
    – dlaliberte
    Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 17:28
  • 1
    Everything. all of it. and none of it
    – Kevin B
    Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 17:28
  • 1
    basically... it's a cool suggestion, i'd imagine it could in theory make things easier to find. but... who is going to categorize the millions of questions we already have, in addition to the 12k we get every day? we can't even close off-topic questions effectively.
    – Kevin B
    Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 17:50
  • 1
    Ah, thanks. Indeed, it is a lot of work to categorize the millions of questions, which already do have tags, but... there is more to do. And the answer is (in my suggestion) to find ways to leverage the community to do that. E.g. suggest tags, vote on tags.
    – dlaliberte
    Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 18:04
  • 1
    Reposted and expanded on as a question: meta.stackexchange.com/posts/301917
    – dlaliberte
    Commented Oct 11, 2017 at 3:50

If moving the content of the Documentation project breaks links on the Internet, this can easily be fixed in the server's .htaccess file with permanent redirect directives. They are entered in the form

RedirectPermanent /old-file.html http://www.domain.com/new-file.html

Each URL will take one line in the .htaccess file.

A bonus of this approach is that search engines should re-index the pages, so eventually the URLs returned by search engines will be the new URL, not the old, broken URL.

  • 6
    That only works if we are moving content. Unfortunately, we are removing it. There's no new URL to point to.
    – Jon Ericson StaffMod
    Commented Aug 17, 2017 at 16:45
  • @JonEricson The wayback machine might be a good place to direct users to.
    – user4639281
    Commented Aug 17, 2017 at 16:58
  • @TinyGiant: Yeah. I'm making sure the topics pages are archived on archive.org. (I wrote a script!) But I don't think that's a good solution in the general case. Stuff goes out of date and it's better to have it on the site where people can edit.
    – Jon Ericson StaffMod
    Commented Aug 17, 2017 at 17:44
  • @JonEricson — First you say you're removing the content, then you say you're going to move it to archive.org. Which is it? If the latter is true, my answer above is perfectly applicable.
    – Andrew P.
    Commented Aug 17, 2017 at 20:49
  • Andrew and @TinyGiant: I've been playing around with Wayback Machine and it seems they don't support %23 in URLs. That's a shame since it means they aren't archiving any C# topics.
    – Jon Ericson StaffMod
    Commented Aug 23, 2017 at 15:18
  • @JonEricson Well I guess that idea is a non-starter.
    – user4639281
    Commented Aug 23, 2017 at 15:21

I have invested a considerable amount of work and care in the documentation. I've wrote on two topics in which I'm expert on. A lot of other developers like me did the same. I don't have a coding blog to move my content to, so my work will go down the drain.

I think it's a huge waste to just remove all the content from the web. The documentation, with all its faults, can still be beneficial to many users.

It is possible to just mark all the content with "Closed - Obsolete community documentation" or such. Voting and commenting can be disabled.

Benefit of a closed/obsolete resource:

  • No broken links, all content will stay where it is
  • Among the documentation there are many very good resources. Those ranked with high vote - can be safely considered good resource for their date.
  • Documentation for topics that are not sufficiently documented outside SO will still be discoverable with Google (or in SO search) - and it will greatly help developers that can't find better information.
  • Even old or even inaccurate content can help developers research obscure problems, give ideas for solutions and provide references or at least keywords to extend the research.
  • When you're researching something rare, even crappy search result is better than no result at all. It still provides leads.
  • 3
    exactly. all of documentation IMO should be converted into community-wiki self-answered questions by Community. each example and remarks sections for each topic automatically converted apiece with some auto-generated title. this will preserve the content a.o.t. destroying it (and letting users on data-dump content chase is just the same as destroying it). as for becoming obsolete, many older Q&A entries are (becoming) obsolete anyway, and we don't see a mass crusade to eradicate them ahead of time, so why should Documentation content be erased! It shouldn't!
    – Will Ness
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 12:40
  • good entries will with time get up-voted more, bad ones will get downvoted, flagged into low-quality queue and deleted, with time. valuable content will be preserved, bad one deleted. a win-win.
    – Will Ness
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 12:41
  • I don't think a closed resource is a good thing. In these times, things change like very often. What is a really good approach today couldn't be the best way tomorrow and if the possibility of updating is not there I think the best is that the docs aren't there in the first place. It could confuse more than help. Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 13:29
  • 1
    archive.is seem a better alternative than scraping manually :) I understand that the downvote has a different semantics here. But the only thing that I wrote is that a static Documentation can still be beneficial to users, so logically a downvoter thinks that it cannot help people. I'll make my argument clearer
    – Amir Uval
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 13:32
  • 2
    in most cases, there aren't "no documentation," we're just losing SO documentation, not all the official documentation that the SO documentation is duplicating. We aren't really losing much.
    – Kevin B
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 18:51
  • 1
    @KevinB I wrote original documentation and useful tricks I've invented and wanted to share. For what it's worth - SO is throwing away this as well. I didn't expect SO will delete it, I wouldn't have invested so much
    – Amir Uval
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 20:25
  • 2
    @KevinB you can only form an informed opinion on tags that you frequent / have expertise on. not the others. Even if just 5% of the whole of Doc is good original content, it would be exactly like throwing the proverbial baby out with the dirty bath water.
    – Will Ness
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 20:48
  • it's not rocket science to pick out a sample number of examples and then check official docs.
    – Kevin B
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 20:49
  • @KevinB Some of my original contributions are not documented anywhere else. I'm not sure what's more insulting, SO throwing my work or all the down voters here that can't care less.
    – Amir Uval
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 21:09
  • 2
    It would be nice of StackExchange to provide users with a way to easily export their own contributions, at least in markdown and HTML format. Then you could easily transfer them to Wikibooks, for instance. See also meta.stackoverflow.com/a/354416/1333493
    – Nemo
    Commented Aug 4, 2017 at 10:12
  • 3
    "I don't have a coding blog to move my content to, so my work will go down the drain." Depends a bit also on you. Move it to Q&A (self answered Qs), create a blog, put in into a wikibook (new or existing one), ... Your work can be preserved. Commented Aug 6, 2017 at 20:48
  • Thanks for the suggestions @Trilarion. My contributions are not enough material to open a blog or a wiki book for. Self answered Qs may be suitable, but seem a bit out of context. I'll probably just keep my backup offline for now.
    – Amir Uval
    Commented Aug 6, 2017 at 21:01
  • I lost my backup of my contribution. If anyone has a link to some mirror, I'll appreciate it
    – Amir Uval
    Commented Nov 6, 2017 at 13:14

I have not been a big proponent of Stack Overflow Documentation.

I did think it had possibilities. But I created my account to write answers that I would own and get credit for as long as I could curate them. So I didn't contribute much to Documentation.

The linkage to reputation on Stack Overflow seems to encourage gaming behavior and what I considered to be poor edits.

I have also come to view it as diluting the value of my reputation score with an additional questionable source of reputation.

I do remain optimistic. The problems with documentation could be worked out. Perhaps we need more of a Wikipedia-style approach to it. Maybe we need more hierarchical views, and perhaps we should give some editors more control of the strategic direction and overall shape of topics and subtopics.

However, I don't think it makes sense to tie our accounts together.


I propose that you spin off documentation as a separate Stack Exchange site/product. Separate reputation - make it like it never happened on Stack Overflow - maybe show it on Stack Overflow like any other SE account. On Documentation.SE, start off with shadow reputation from Stack Overflow for the first years so that the right people have the most privileges and greatest influence in shaping the direction of it.

The site could even make use of Stack Overflow's answers' Creative Commons licenses, and take the best from the answers on Stack Overflow to create a mega wiki/compendium of documentation.

I don't think this is a panacea. I do think it could help address some problems and avoid throwing the baby out with the bath water.

For myself, in regards to Python, I'm still thinking I'm more likely to continue to contribute to CPython documentation (as I've begun to do) than contribute to Documentation.SE - but for other topics, like Haskell or Unix, I could easily see myself contributing edits here and there, e.g. on code/command samples.

What does Stack Overflow and its community bring to the table?

I've already alluded to these things, but to list them:

  • Platform - it's built. Perhaps it won't get much love from developers. But it's there.
  • Site Reputation - Stack Overflow is the number one site for developers. Should I trust some other arbitrary site owners with this?
  • Users - the community has a great reputation as well.
  • User reputations - this can influence decision making with regards to structure.
  • Community - I'm more likely to contribute to a linked site.

There's not much to stop others from reposting content from Stack Overflow, but they don't have reputation or credibility. Any new unaffiliated site will have to earn a new reputation - probably from scratch.

  • 7
    There is no reason someone else could not make your proposal happen just as well as we could. What would Stack Overflow (the company and the community) bring to the table?
    – Jon Ericson StaffMod
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 20:34
  • 2
    well, the part where reputation from docs doesn't inflate SO rep, but otherwise nothing.
    – Kevin B
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 20:55
  • 8
    @KevinB Literally anyone can create a version of Docs that doesn't inflate SO rep...SO are the only people that can create a version of docs that does inflate SO rep.
    – Servy
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 21:10
  • 1
    @Servy i meant, this suggestion would remove the bonus rep that so docs has added, where as any other tool taking this over wouldn't.
    – Kevin B
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 21:12
  • 2
    @KevinB Even if SO did make a new Docs site (say Docs 2.0) that didn't share rep with SO, they've made it pretty clear that they wouldn't remove the rep from the beta even then. If they're not going to remove it now, even after acknowledging that it wasn't useful content (on the whole), then there isn't much room for change.
    – Servy
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 21:16
  • 3
    @JonEricson I think that this's a decent idea. When Docs was in private beta, it was on a separate site - docs-beta.stackexchange.com. I really liked that, especially that the rep's separated from SO and users won't be motivated solely by rep. At the same time, those with good content can contribute to share their knowledge. Since the whole platform's built for almost 2 years, I really hope that this idea can be considered!
    – Panda
    Commented Aug 5, 2017 at 14:49

I really loved this "Documentation BETA" project, I thought that it will be a great project, I can't believe that such a project will be aborted. I would love to help keeping it with all my forces. You say that you don't have enough money to realise all the projects, okey I understand that, but there is always a solution. I have a suggestion, I don't know how to realise it technically, but I'm sure that it can be done. My suggestion is: give this project to the world, propose the tasks that are done to realise this project by your engineers to volunteer engineers around the world. and I'm sure that they will embrace it. Please take my suggestion in consideration. Don't kill this project, It's like wiki of Informatics.

  • 3
    One of the main problems with Docs was that there already are other resources out there that did what it was trying to do better, so, in effect, this already happened before Docs even released. It wasn't filling a void left by other sites/products/etc., some of which are volunteer based, some aren't. Docs also didn't really do anything innovative or unique; so it's not like there's something for anyone else to need to emulate in particular.
    – Servy
    Commented Aug 8, 2017 at 13:19
  • 3
    Yes I agree with you, but there is a good advantage on this particular project, it's created by the best community ever, so if you read a "normal documentation" you will have "normal information" which is good enough, but I saw things differently (or at least i dreamed that it will be so different), I thought that if a documentation is written by this community it will be a documentation + an experience of manipulation, which is the more important thing.
    – ziMtyth
    Commented Aug 8, 2017 at 13:29
  • 9
    There are already lots of resources out there that have community contributions of information providing the same information that Documentation was trying to provide, and doing it better. As much as you wanted it to provide quality content, it just didn't. It provided lots of low quality contributions, lots of plagiarism, lots of bad information, and little good information, and much of that stemmed from major problems with how the software was fundamentally designed, as it encouraged this bad behavior and didn't incentivise good behavior. The Docs community was the problem.
    – Servy
    Commented Aug 8, 2017 at 13:32
  • I understand what u say, so i think that i was just making illusion of this documentation, thanks for making things clear to me, I apreciate that =D.
    – ziMtyth
    Commented Aug 8, 2017 at 13:45

I have been reading through the answers and they have all provided very valuable feedback and ideas. Couldn't you have made an announcement a few months before this so you could take feedback and give the docs one more chance ?

  • 3
    They got lots of feedback, but they ignored most of it. Commented Sep 1, 2017 at 3:47

You worked a lot on it... so many work, and now it is gone.

I am really sorry for that. I think, it should have been maybe more similar to the main site.

Admitting that it is not my concern, but I have the impression, that maybe you tend to give up things too eagerly. Don't let the many negative effects to influence you, if you have a goal.

  • 5
    maybe you tend to give up things too eagerly Wut? This project has had months and months of tryouts and feedback. SO kept pushing it for months despite knowing there was lots of issues with it. They really tried hard. They didn't give up anything, and certainly not eagerly...
    – Eric Aya
    Commented Aug 31, 2017 at 8:27
  • I think, find informations, like very upvotes posts, can improve the documentation by giving informations. We should conserve this, reliable, informations in Stack Overflow.
    – SphynxTech
    Commented Sep 2, 2017 at 20:10

My understanding is that Stack Overflow (including Documentation) was designed with the intent that it would be the go to reference for things, which means there will exist links to that documentation both on and off the site. Breaking those links is something of a breach of trust.

I understand the objection that the information might become out-of-date, but that's also true of most other sources out there, and most changes to the topics being discussed would be incremental rather than breaking changes (and in the cases where the changes do invalidate a good amount of what came before, enough people will just keep using the old version (e.g. Python 2 vs 3) that the old documentation will retain its value). Breaking links is an extreme solution to something that usually won't even be a problem.

I propose that we just make Documentation readonly and add a big disclaimer at the top of each page that states it to be an archive of the documentation as it existed on August 8, 2017, and warns that some parts may be out of date.

Or if that isn't an option, at least throw together a script that submits each page in Documentation to the Internet Archive (and set the old urls to redirect there). That would make it quite clear that it's an old archive, but without throwing away all the information (and making it available only as a JSON archive or something is basically the same as throwing it away for most purposes; nobody is going to download and search an archive just to access a dead link).

  • 2
    Yeah, an archived version should be provided. A "smart" solution would be to import everything into Wikibooks (meta.stackoverflow.com/a/354416/1333493) and then redirect every URL to the corresponding page ID or revision ID. Otherwise, make a big WARC file with ArchiveTeam technology and serve it with a WARC proxy.
    – Nemo
    Commented Aug 4, 2017 at 10:10

The lesson learned seem entirely inadequate? As Joel wrote:

Users don’t have the manual, and if they did, they wouldn’t read it. In fact, users can’t read anything, and if they could, they wouldn’t want to.

Nobody learns by reading documentation: not carpenters, not engineers, and not programmers. The only way to learn is by doing.

Documentation is just a holy grail for groups of people brainstorming about the software world. Hey, if we had documentation:

  • we'd field fewer support calls
  • we would not have to spend time making a new engineer productive
  • we'd have departments aligned at the start of a project
  • we'd have designed the software correctly at the start

No, no, no, no.

  • "The only way to learn is by doing." In that shortended form it sounds a bit paradoxical. After all you can only do what you know how to do. I guess what you (don't) propose here is that tutorials would be a cool idea instead of documentation. But then I thought the idea of Documentation was that it should be example centric. So in a way they wanted learning by doing, only it didn't work out. Commented Aug 13, 2017 at 11:51
  • @Trilarion: Alternatively worded, you learn by making mistakes. Examples are great, especially practice questions, like you get on an online learning platform like Coursera or EdX.
    – Andomar
    Commented Aug 13, 2017 at 17:18
  • 7
    Joel was explaining UI design, which is not quite the same thing. I don't know about the rest, but I do see evidence that adding links to documentation reduces support tickets. I can also say from personal experience that much of the time learning a new programming language is dedicated to reading and especially manuals. The aerospace engineers I know consult technical manuals to avoid making very costly mistakes. The larger the project, the more time is wasted when people don't write down what they know.
    – Jon Ericson StaffMod
    Commented Aug 14, 2017 at 8:08

Noob here. I am sorry to hear this; Documentation has been such a help for me.

How can I download all the content from the Documentation? I read it will be kept somehow, but... just in case.

I'm interested in the Android, Python, and Java tags. Can someone more experienced than me make a ZIP file of the HTML pages?

  • 2
    We'll publish a JSON archive after the 8th. It's entirely possible someone will decide to host the content. At the moment we don't have plans to archive the HTML pages, but we have considered that idea.
    – Jon Ericson StaffMod
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 18:09


Please consider sending stickers (for laptop covers, etc.) or some kind of cheap but visible souvenir swag to people who participated in Documentation. It's a good way to give us a smile, a memory, and a few obscure bragging rights.

I had high hopes for it. I participated because I hoped to make it possible for fellow programmers to look up collectively curated ways of solving nontrivial problems. But, if it wasn't heading for a tipping point, it didn't make sense to continue doing it. That would waste Stack Exchange money and contributor time.

I hang around with some lawyers. They talk about case law -- the accumulated weight of what's been decided by judges -- and black-letter law -- the codified spelled-out regulations. I think SO is a fantastic case-law-style resource for our profession. I know we lack good black-letter-law style resources, and it's good that the SO krewe tried to create one.

But it's tremendously hard to convert case law to black letter law. In hindsight it's obvious that SO's power comes from the case-law-like Q&A format. But we wouldn't have known that if SO handn't tried the Documentation experiment.

Did I mention, Stickers!


discontinuing Documentation will be breaking the internet just a bit

Yes, it will indeed.

As many others are pointing out here, at least some of the content is actually very valuable because it took considerable effort to sort it out.

Not removing Documentation leads to two issues: a lot of info is not valuable/harmful and can not be fixed anymore and; even if the info is good, it will become outdated at some point.

These are both good points. However, it still seems a waste if the good content is removed. If only there were other solutions...

Wait! The good content can easily be filtered out because this is actually the content that gets actively linked (e.g. in Q&A-posts). Why not retain only the parts of Documentation that have the privilege of being linked to?

That only leaves the problem of the info getting outdated. This is not an issue only for Documentation. Searching the Internet for solutions often lead to (very) outdated information. This also holds for the older Q&A's on SO. I often wish that there would be some way to pre-filter a search result (be it on Google or directly on SO) on outdated-ness.

I see one solution for this issue, but it is a bold one: why not propose at W3 (and at least start using) a new HTTP response header? Let's e.g. use 207 Outdated Content. This would be equal to 200 with the exception that it is now clear that the information has a limited life time.

Perhaps, the content could (that is, only the linked Documentation pages) be served with 200 for a while, but after that, automatically convert it to the new HTTP-code. Maybe e.g. one year or so after the last edit.

Stretching this idea a bit, it could also be 207 Deprecated, suggesting that these responses SHOULD carry a Valid-Until header. For software, this could be a software version number, but more generally it could be a date. After this date, content can be (but does not need to be) removed and the (regular) 410 Gone is returned instead (or 301 Moved Permanently where applicable).

  • 4
    This is pretty clever, but it (especially the second half) is really beyond our means, without even thinking hard about the merits of the ideas.
    – Pops StaffMod
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 13:40
  • I was thinking that SE might have some influence at W3 because of the size and following. However, I do realize the 'boldness' of my suggestion. I thought: better pitch it... But the first part still stands: it's a waste if all the work was gone. Filtering the good from the bad/ugly can be done based on whether the content is linked to. Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 13:52
  • 6
    @MartenKoetsier Do you have any idea just how long it would take to get something like that ratified and then incorporated into browsers? :)
    – DavidG
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 16:57
  • Yes, years. If not, more. But it would seem that standards evolve from suggestions like this. Maybe, just maybe, this starts the butterfly-effect... :) Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 19:06

I'm sad to see it go. I keep hearing about how great Documentation was because of examples and tips. Well that is exactly what I tried to do but was shot down. So I stopped trying to improve Documentation because I felt I couldn't get past the gate keepers, which was very disappointing.

Users with less Stack Overflow experience tended to be intimidated by the prospect of making even trivial edits.

That is why it failed to attract new users in my opinion. It is a compounded version of the "SO flaming" new users get now with asking "stupid" questions. I think it is better than it was, because I've seen questions get answered now that used to be flames, but it still happens.

Documentation was a great idea. It just needs more clarification about what is acceptable to post. Documentation on the web does suck, and I was hoping this was going to fix it.

  • 2
    Not sure you're correct here. I think it was a good idea, but poorly implemented. There's no such thing as a one-size-fits-all style.
    – DavidG
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 16:49
  • 12
    Everything you suggested an improvement for was approved. You suggested one entire new topic, and it was rejected for having technical inaccuracies (and the person that rejected it went into some depth on the matter with you).
    – Servy
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 16:52
  • 3
    Well I'm still sad to see Documenation go.
    – Nateous
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 16:56

Can't give one more shot?

I am Stack Overflow user. I come to Stack Overflow from Google search results. It is very rare that I come to Stack Overflow and search.

I think documentation is not popular because it does not come in search results.

  • I have not seen documentation links in Google.
  • I have not seen documentation links within Stack Overflow search results.

Is documentation is searchable? Can we make it google-able and run the documentation for few more months?

  • 8
    The beta was always very one sided. All about content creators and less about content consumers
    – rdans
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 13:49
  • 3
    things like reorganising reputation rewards were given high priority while a simple bug in the search results took many weeks
    – rdans
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 13:51
  • 18
    They didn't show up in many search results because the content didn't merit showing up in many search results. The problem was that the actual content in there wasn't good, not that there was good content that Google was ignoring.
    – Servy
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 15:38
  • 1
    Okay, But why not is StackOverflow search results? Even if I search for that exact documentation title.
    – titogeo
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 15:41
  • 3
    It was intentionally kept out of Stack Overflow and Google search results because it was in "beta". The content was not yet up to snuff, so it didn't make sense to have it available in searches.
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 17:01
  • 4
    @CodyGray If the reason for taking it down and the measurement for evaluation are the number of users, than keeping it from search results was a bit of a self defeating policy, don't you think? Other than that, sure the structure wans't perfect, but the concept is, and implementation can be improved upon over time.
    – user1115652
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 17:11
  • 9
    The metric isn't the number of visitors, it's the number of contributors. They advertised it for virtually the entire public beta period with a giant banner on the SO homepage, so I very much doubt that prospective contributors were unaware of it.
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 17:12

What happens to badges?

We also have a longstanding policy against revoking badges. But we've never had a badge set for a discontinued beta feature either. While we could just retire them, it seems confusing to show expired Documentation features on the list of badges. In addition, we'd lose a lot of good names for potential future badges. As a compromise, anyone who earned a Documentation badge other than Educated (for reading the tour) will be issued a newly minted silver Documentation Beta badge. Does this seem fair?

I wanted to specifically respond to this section since it has a fair number of comments beneath the OP that I agree with.

How about a gold badge for users who were awarded with all Documentation badges? :p – honk

The silver badge sounds nice, but dang if it isn't replacing 3 silver badges and 8 bronze ones... as well as my first ever fully-achieved badge section. I like @honk's suggestion... a silver badge for those who participated and a gold badge for those who earned every single badge in the Docs section :-) – TylerH

Why not create a gold, silver and bronze documentation-beta badge, and award each of them once each for each documentation badge you had? So if you had 2 silver and 5 bronze doco badges, you'd get 2 documentation-beta-silver and 5 documentation-beta-bronze badges. Solves every problem? – Steve Bennett ㄹ

Take these all together, I'd like to see the following.

[Bronze] Documentation - Awarded for each Bronze badge earned during Documentation Beta

[Silver] Documentation - Awarded for each Silver badge earned during Documentation Beta

[Gold] Documentation - Awarded for completing the Documentation badge set during Documentation Beta

This would preserve the badge count for everyone who participated in Documentation, and recognize each contribution made during the beta.

  • 13
    Gold badges are intentionally exclusive. Bronze badges are intentionally trivial. It makes sense to me to quality this as a silver badge, since participating in Documentation wasn't trivial, but wasn't exclusive, either.
    – Makoto
    Commented Aug 2, 2017 at 22:03
  • I don't understand why this is getting so much downvoted, as this makes a perfect sense to me. You want to clean up the badge names? Fine, just unify them under something. The original badge name could be accessible in the badge review page, like the one that shows where you got your post badges (e.g. Nice Answer).
    – yo'
    Commented Aug 8, 2017 at 8:51

Speaking as somebody who was always mentioning the feature to fellow developers most of whom A) Use Stack Overflow every day, and B) didn't know about it, I am disappointed. I think the tool wasn't really given a chance to flourish.

  • 13
    What opportunities do you think it needed to be given that it wasn't given?
    – Servy
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 19:01
  • 3
    What would have helped impove visibility I think is proper linking facilities. The interlinking between sections was clunky and unobvious, and linking from answers on the main site should have been better facilitated, maybe along the lines of how you are presented with similar existing questions when you post a new question.
    – tripleee
    Commented Aug 5, 2017 at 9:13
  • 1
    I am not sure if any of these things were tried...but first thing might be to interface with learning institutions like colleges and code bootcamps to make it a defacto place to go for canonical and vetted documentation about some aspect of a language. It would have been the perfect remedy to sifting through PHP.net which is often as maddening as it is helpful without real transparent vetting and discussion of code examples. Commented Aug 8, 2017 at 5:29
  • 1
    @Servy "What opportunities do you think it needed to be given that it wasn't given?" Maybe the crap that was not removed. If crap/low quality content would have been removed from consequently from first week, contributors who can contribute high quality content would not have given up in the second week. Also there should have been the discussion feature from day one of public beta. It's one year too late for that, I know. Commented Aug 13, 2017 at 12:08
  • @MikeChastain That would have been an awful idea. The main problem with the feature was that tons of people posted tons of crap content, much of which was plagiarized, and very few people actually posted good content. Directing lots of new programmers (particularly those that wouldn't know the difference between good content and bad content) would have been harmful.
    – Servy
    Commented Aug 13, 2017 at 21:32
  • 1
    @Trilarion Sure, but how do you remove the crap? The problem is that people came in droves to contribute crap, and very few people came to clean it up. It's not that they didn't have mechanisms to clean it up so much as the fact that they were simply so overwhelmed by the numbers, and vigor, of those submitting bad content.
    – Servy
    Commented Aug 13, 2017 at 21:33

I feel that this is a big shame. The docs were the best docs I've ever come across, but I understand why the decision has been made.

I just hope it comes back.


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