When looking to Stack Overflow for help, I often find myself phrasing questions like so:
How do you XXX
to which Stack Overflow throws me a warning box:
"Your question appears subjective and is likely to be closed".
Why does this happen? What is so subjective about this phrasing that warrants the likely closing of a question?
What make these (valid, highly-voted, protected) examples acceptable?
- How do you get a timestamp in JavaScript?
- How do you create a remote Git branch?
- How do you disable browser Autocomplete on web form field / input tag?
- How do you set, clear, and toggle a single bit?
It is clear this mechanism analyses the question and proposes hints to authors that may help keep SO clean. It is also clear that these are hints and may not apply in every single case. I understand that, and that is not my question.
My question is specifically with regard to this particular hint, and why the single act of writing a title beginning with the string How do you
triggers this warning.