Whether or not your specific question is "too broad" is outside the scope of this answer, but in the general case, you have a lot of options. Bear in mind that the ultimate goal is to help future readers, noting that link-only answers are discouraged primarily because rotted links fail to help future readers.
Close the question, if you feel it is too broad.
Do nothing. Personally I'm not a big fan of this option. I feel like when I find an answer to my own question I should at least follow up to help others, with the hope that some day when I have a question I'll get some karmic return. That said doing nothing (for now) is a good way to see if the community feels the same way about whether the question should be closed.
"Off site: I could just poste the code to GitHub or wherever and point to that in my answer and say that the code in the question is exactly the same to get it to work." -- Sure. Post it as a comment and leave it at that. Helpful and appropriate if you don't have the time or desire to write a full answer.
"Tutorial based: I would be saying edit this files with these lines, add this class etc. quite a lot of." -- If you are willing to put the time into this, post it as an answer if you feel it would be helpful to others.
Those are your options. However...
There isn't really a "correct" approach here and none of us can tell you what you should do. Which of the above options you choose depends on how you personally want to balance spending time vs. posting a full answer, and that's entirely your decision.
You could also close it as too broad, although since you were able to find a specific working answer, I could see that as a possible argument for it not actually being too broad. I'll let somebody else debate that one, though. You might find some useful perspective on that in Do "too broad" questions become less broad after an acceptable answer is given? and Can a question with an accepted answer be closed as unanswerable.
If you feel the answer is more work than you are willing to put in, that's totally fine, just as it would be totally fine for you to not post an answer to somebody else's question if you didn't have the time or desire to do so. Perhaps pretending that you were not the asker of the question could help you make a decision.
The only thing we can tell you is that if you choose to only link to GitHub or whatever, do it in a comment, and if you want to write something more detailed, do it in an answer. Beyond that it's really just your choice.