I recently found this question which was migrated from the main site to meta. By curiosity, I wondered what happened to the tags when the question got migrated, since the main site and meta have very few (if any) tags in common. So I looked at the editing history and saw that the question was originally tagged discussion before it was migrated to meta.
How is that possible, since the discussion tag only exists on meta, not on the main site? Was this automatic? Or did the moderator who migrated it intentionally tag it like that? And, more generally, what happens with the tags if a question is migrated to a site which doesn't have the tags that the question has?
By personal experience, I can say that if both sites have the tags that the question was tagged with, the tags don't change, since one of my questions tagged firefox and ftp was migrated from Stack Overflow to Super User and both sites have both these tags.
But what happens to questions like the other one that are migrated between sites that don't have the same tags?