No, SO's high quality standards and the motivation to improve the quality of posts on the site isn't new, or a response to a change in Google. The site was founded with the goal of creating high quality questions with high quality answers, specifically because those founders were just so frustrated at having to deal with other sites just being full of crap; they wanted to create a place that was different. That happened years before the change in Google's algorithm that the article refers to.
The entire reason that SO got as big as it has, and that it has maintained it for as long as it has, is precisely because it does have those high quality standards for posts. Arguing that SO would be doing much better if it removed/dropped its quality standards would be to say that it should be doing what all of the competitors that SO has completely dominated for years kept doing unsuccessfully.
The article argues that people are leaving the site because of its strict quality standards. This true. This has always been true. There are, and have always been, people that aren't interested in, or capable of, producing quality content, and as such, find themselves not enjoying participating in a site that demands quality contributions.
However, there are a huge number of people that are interested in quality contributions, both in consuming it and providing it. That is SO's target audience. In particular, the subject matter experts for the various topics that are in scope in SO tend to be people that are more than happy to answer great questions, but just aren't interested in sifting through piles of crappy questions to find them, and who are also interested in ensuring all that answers (not just their own) to questions are correct, well written, and useful. The whole model of SO has been to attract these users to the site, and as long as those users want to participate on SO, others will follow. People with questions that they want answered will come here, because that's where the people who can provide the best answers will be.