There's a Discussion on the NLP Collective which asks about validity of questions which seek recommendations, are broad, or would generally lead to opinionated answers. I am quoting the Discussion here, but use the link above if you want to read its entirety including the comments. 1, 2
How do we handle "what tool X to achieve task Y?" NLP questions?
There's an increasing no. of questions with "what tool/library X to achieve task Y?" questions on Stack Overflow. I personally think they're valid but these questions either tend to be ignored or with random/opinionated answers.
How do we handle "what tool X to achieve task Y?" questions in Stack Overflow?
Close them?
Answer them (with much effort)?
Ignore them?
BTW, similar flavors of the questions are:
is tool X right to be used for task Y?
I've tried tool X and task Y, why isn't it working?
How to make tool X work for task Y?
I am no stranger to different levels of scrutiny within sub-communities. But I am afraid this discussion is advocating for a stretch way beyond acceptable boundaries.
Take these comments for instance; starting bounties on questions that are on their way to be closed. This is a prime example of abuse. I don't believe these bounties were motivated by "malice", rather an experiment, but nonetheless these actions are problematic.
For an experiment, I'm going to start tagging new tool X for task Y NLP questions and kind of log them here for reference and see how much data we can gather on this:
[OP provides a lit of questions]
I think the above short list would be okay enough to start with latest tool X for task Y NLP questions, then I'll randomly pick 3 to put a bounty on them to see if anyone wants to try answering them before it's officially closed.
1. I was hoping OP would post their discussion on Meta as suggested by multiple comments, but that has not happened.
2. Per the title of the question, I am not particularly asking about the scope of "Public Discussions". But I understand that issue can/will be addressed, at least partially, in the answers.