So I've tried looking around for a possible duplicate but nothing similar. I'm not sure if I'm the only one experiencing this also.
Before, I enabled the option to display the Link to My Developer CV Here to show in my profile. The link was visible to the public and directs to my CV (traditional view). Everything was okay.
But recently, I noticed that the link was no longer there. The only thing I remember changing in my Profile Settings was in the Career section. Instead of Just <3 Code, I selected Work and filled-out the fields (Current Position and Company Name). I saved and applied the changes.
At first I didn't notice it, but I think that was around the time the link is no longer visible. Thinking that it was maybe because the Work option was selected, I tried to set the Profile Settings back as it was.
Selected the Just <3 Code and leaving the optional field empty. Saved and applied the changes. Got back to my Profile and clicked on the Link to My Developer CV Here , then it directs me back to the Edit Profile & Settings tab, where (if I remember it correctly) the checkbox to display the CV link is visible, but it's no longer there.
Is this as expected because the Developer Story is already implemented? I still see the Link to My Developer CV Here button when viewing my own profile, so I thought it was still available:
Does enabling the Developer Story tab the only option? I'm fairly sure that in the mail sent by StackOverflow, that even though the Developer Story will be enabled, the traditional view is still available.