[EDITED For live example ]
Now I want to chat with THE FLAGGER, so I can interactively understand what the problem is, so I can make question better or delete it!
[EDITED after receiving POSSIBLE duplicate flag]
Using same page of answer makes it perfectly clear that 'chat' is matching, but the purpose is not.
[EDITED after testing existing chat feature ]
What I found?
- We can create a chat room ('create new chat room' button) I am not able to see. My reputation is 41)
- Chat room is not 1-on-1. It's open.
- Only we have to reject incoming request to make it private.
What's difference? - Invite to a 1-on-1 chat by clicking the user profile image on the same page of the answer - Chat by the side of answer
Don't shift to create a chat room ->invite -> accept -> copy paste question -> chat
Chat will end in 10 min or after clicking end chat.
[EDIT: After watching how current Stack Exchange chat works find a link in the comment section:]
I imagine:
[answer page -> [invite chat over question] -> [chat on same page like a live stream YouTube]]]
(Post more comments so I will able to make it more clear.)
I don't want to make Stack Exchange a chatting website, but we can we add a chat system for sake of interactive problem solving in questioner and answerer USER TO USER?
By putting limits to assure that chat is not a "chat":
Adding a reputation points restriction.
Adding time windows for interactive answering.
Adding request to accept
I also want to hear what could be its side-effects?
But on the brighter side we will have more interactive community in the sense of problem solving.
Where it could be useful:
For contributor and repairing questions:
Some of people over Stack Exchange face a hard time getting out of vague questions, or simplifying it. Here if the answerer or questioner accept to chat and get the IMMEDIATE more interactive effort to make question make sense it will be great!
(What do you think?)
Many times people have some small problems in code provided by an answerer which cannot be solved over comments section and can be more interactively solved over chat.