For the purposes of this question, we will assume that it's a good idea to put your Stack Exchange site moderator position on your Developer Story or CV.
The only options that make sense would be Position or Other.
If I select Position, I need to put a company name. It seems incorrect to put Stack Exchange or Stack Overflow or the name of the site there. Some of the other fields make some sense - you can use the company website to link to the SE site or your profile there, and it gives you the chance to denote if it's current or past. However, fields like technologies don't really make sense and can hurt profile completion for not having jobs with technologies marked.
If I select Other, I'm not sure how to fill it out. Although it doesn't apply to me, there doesn't appear to be an end date, which can be deceptive to readers. The description field would have to be overloaded (but it does support Markdown) to link to the site. It's also easier to complete this particular form with the information.
I suspect that this would be the same as any other volunteer position that you would put on your resume or CV, so I would lean toward using Position. However, the Position form is definitely geared toward development or other technical position, which may or may not be useful to list non-development or non-technical positions (like several volunteer positions).
Does SE have any guidance for this?