Questions about upgrading projects from one IDE version to another belong to Stack Overflow and not to Super User as suggested by @Gothdo. Upgrading projects involves not only programming tools used by developers but also your code and is practical question related to software development as stated in Stack Overflow guidelines:
but if your question generally covers…
a specific programming problem, or a software algorithm, or software
tools commonly used by programmers; and is a practical, answerable
problem that is unique to software development
… then you’re in the right place to ask your question!
But, there are other issues with your particular question and in general with upfront questions asking about upgrading projects.
They are way too broad. And as stated in Stack Overflow guidelines:
You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual
problems that you face. Chatty, open-ended questions diminish the
usefulness of our site and push other questions off the front page.
First, asking upfront about upgrade is actually asking about potential problems and not about actual problem you have encountered. Most likely answer (or comment) to such question would be "Try and come back if you have any specific issues"
But, let's put question part aside for the moment and take a look how such question can be answered. Talking from experience it cannot. Range of issues can go from none (open your project and it runs) to serious show stoppers.
While your particular question was also too broad in sense that you didn't provided any information related to your project like: language used - there are differences in potential issues that are compiler - language related, frameworks you use there is difference in potential issues between FireMonkey or VCL based projects, and also platforms your project supports - Windows, iOS, Android. Each one of those carry different set of potential upgrade issues.
But even if you have provided all basic above information that would not be enough to answer your question. Without knowing your full code nobody can properly answer your question we can only wild guess. Even listing some of more prominent potential issues can end up in you encountering completely different one.
Asking for off site resources (Online documentation and upgrade guides) is also off topic for Stack Overflow.
If you cannot edit the question to make it on topic for Stack Overflow (and for reasons I stated above you most likely cannot) then your question is more suitable for one of Delphi communities G+ Delphi Developers, Embarcadero Discussion Forums or Embarcadero Community But even there you will receive vague answers and/or people asking for more information because you have provided very little information about your project in the first place.
Appropriate question tags for RAD Studio
While you are using RAD Studio, your question should be at least tagged with delphi or c++builder because those are actual tags that should be used for Embarcadero RAD Studio, depending on the language you use in project.