Basically I'm a bit fed up of questions along the lines of
Here's a JavaScript/JSON object I need to be this similar but slightly different JavaScript/JSON object. Please can someone do this for me?
There is no real answer to these as they're all subtly different, nor are they any use to anybody in the future, because every answer is unique to the situation. So I feel a good canonical answer would be in order (I don't have the time or inclination to do this).
Can anyone advise what we can do about this and/or produce or suggest a good canonical "this is roughly how you do this" kind of Q&A so that these can be marked as a duplicate?
At the moment I mostly close as "too broad". Maybe this is the best thing to do?
- How to filter a nested data structure in JavaScript
- Transform JSON Object to another - Format It
- Iterating Nested JSON to array of objects (JavaScript)
- How to sort JSON
- etc., etc., etc.
Anyone who spends any time looking though JavaScript questions will see many of these every day.