There's not going to be a perfect filter, so the goal is really to get a search that filters out as much of the bad things as possible.
My suggestion is to use a combination of tags and search operators. Together, it can be very powerful.
Custom filters and tags
Use custom filters to store a combination of tags you want and tags you don't want. Depending on how broad your tastes are, it may be beneficial to break it down into categories, if possible. I have two main filters that I use: one for questions I may want to edit/close (I have several concurrent burnination crusades happening there) and the other for regex questions I may want to answer.
There are some really cool sorts and filters available, too. I suggest playing around with it and seeing what works.
When you use a filter, the search box is automatically populated with those tags.
There are a number of different search operators that you may want to use, depending on your tastes. (I looked at your samples of "interesting questions" and I'm still not sure what exactly you mean.)
Searching for posts with code
Yes, it's possible, and I probably know the feature the best of anyone here (from extensive experimentation).
There are two limitations that may come up: HTML tags and double quotes; avoid these.
You can search for code using code:"$()."
to get results containing $().
, for example.
You can also search for posts that have any code using hascode:1
. It's not as powerful as it could be (due to inappropriate
ticking), but it still filters a lot out.
Searching for questions
You want results for questions (probably), so I would use is:q
. However, this will return questions that you can't answer, since they're closed or locked. Use closed:no locked:no
to avoid that.
You can also use hasaccepted:no
or answers:0 to get questions without an accepted answer or no answers at all respectively. You can get fancy and use answers:1..1
to get anything with only one answer, while answers:..3
will get you questions with 3 or fewer answers.
It may also be a good idea to look at the score, too. The very reason we have score on questions is to let the better stuff float to the top. You can also set a maximum score with score:1..20
meaning score between 1 and 20.
Keyword searches
Ultimately, you need to find the right keywords (and know which ones are wrong). While there are those obvious keywords, like "web worker", it's only half the picture.
If you use web worker
in a search, you will miss any questions that only use the phrase web workers
. You can use web worker*
to catch both.
The other important part to keyword searching is to consider the negative side. Learn which words are more often present in "uninteresting" questions and exclude them! Use -error
to exclude every question that uses the word "error".
There's a specific way that I like to go about making searches. When I see that I'm getting a lot of uninteresting results, I look at one of the first few results and see if I can find a specific term that I feel may be problematic. In your case, you might not be interested in a result that starts with "I'm using the X library...". You could add -library
to your query. I then search, and repeat the process until I have a manageable amount of results. It's going to filter out a few of the questions you may consider to be interesting, but that's why I experiment with different combinations of filter words.
If you need something above and beyond what search has, you need to use SEDE. I'm just going to include the most helpful tricks I know.
Searching for phrases
I use where lower(body) like '% word %'
to find things that include word
. You can make this a little more robust by using character classes: '%[> ,.;]word[, .<;]%'
There are some really great queries out there if you search around.
I have some that I occasionally use, such as the "Questions that only have unpopular answers" query.
In conclusion, you might want to try a search like this:
[javascript] -error -problem -library score:3 is:q closed:no locked:no hascode:1
If this isn't enough control, you can use SEDE.
) for a while, which emailed me such questions. Not perfect, but worked for me. Though, I used it for[unix] [posix] [linux]
, not for[javascript]
and in the process was motivated to learn those libraries - and now I use them successfully in professional projects. Sometimes you learn more from the niche stuff, even if you don't get a ton of points for it.