There's a user who posts the following stock comment in practically every C/C++ question he sees:
The right tool to solve such problems is to use your debugger, but not to ask at Stack Overflow before you did so. Tell us all your observations you made when inspecting your code stepping through line by line in 1st place. Also you might want to read How to debug small programs (by Eric Lippert)] At least leave us with a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example that reproduces your problem. (This is a personal stock comment provided by πάντα ῥεῖ™)
Most of the people posting these questions are newbies who need lots of hand-holding to figure out what their problem is. Just telling them to use their debugger seems unhelpful. Some of the questions aren't even about debugging, they're "how do I do X" questions.
And sometimes they have provided an MCVE, so that part of his comment is just plain wrong. E.g. skipping over my last cin input.
I've asked him not to post this comment when it's inappropriate, but he just keeps on doing it. He says he uses this stock comment because he's gotten tired of posting more specific comments, but is that really a valid excuse?
Is the idea expressed in his comment appropriate? If not, what can be done about his serial commenting?
BTW, I'm similarly annoyed by JavaScript questions where the OP obviously didn't check the web console for errors. I posted Remind users to check web console before submitting JavaScript questions a few months ago, and the answers seemed to have more sympathy for the clueless posters. So web programmers aren't expected to know how to use the basic debugging tools before posting, but C/C++ programmers are?
Most of the people posting these questions are newbies who need lots of hand-holding to figure out what their problem is.
agreed - but are those really our audience? It's the eternal Culture War of Stack Overflow. I can't help but agree that the comment sounds like the minimal standard we should hold people to and that SO would be a much better place if that was generally understood.