
I'm planning some software, and not sure if my contraption is the proper approach. So I explain it ad ask specific questions not based on opinions. For example:

I start to develop on Android, and the application is for client DDBB management; depending on the user, the layout may display some fields or not. There are several combinations, so it's not ergonomic to make a different layout for each, and from research I conclude that the best way to implement the layout is a build it up with fragments dynamically.

Is that a proper approach in terms of

  • Performance and optimization?
  • Workload?
  • Easy to update and/or modify?

Finally, as I said I'm new to Android, so can you tell me which parts of the Android documentation I need to learn in order to perform that?

Are those questions inappropriate?

Should I explain more or specify anything?

Specific tags needed?

  • 8
    That would be primarily opinion-based and much too broad, so it wouldn't be appropriate here. But you could try to ask about a specific design issue at Programmers.SE (if it's too broad it'll also get closed there). Commented Jun 21, 2016 at 8:09

1 Answer 1


As said in comments: Design (design-pattern, data-structure) fits for Programmers.SE.

However as stated in your question, it's just impossible to answer it like this, and SO/Programmers are not recommendation sites, neither tutorials, or anything like this. They're Question & Answer about a specific problem.

What I think you can ask on Programmer:

  • If there is some design pattern that suits to your needs (the layout/fragment thing). However it might be better to elaborate more your requirement.

Performance/optimization/workload: Those points won't be answerable before you have any specific problem with this.

Easy to update/modify: These points don't really mean much, unless you face a true writing problem of your data. Don't think about it though; think about it when you will have the problem and you will have a detailed explanation on how you have done the things and how they should have been done in order to resolve the problem.

Finally, as I said I'm new to Android, so can you tell me which parts of the Android documentation I need to learn in order to perform that?

This will be definitively off-topic/too-broad everywhere.

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