I'm planning some software, and not sure if my contraption is the proper approach. So I explain it ad ask specific questions not based on opinions. For example:
I start to develop in androidon Android, and the application is for client DDBB management; depending ofon the user, the layout may display some fields or not, there. There are several combinations, so it's not ergonomic to make a different layout for each and, and from research I conclude that the best way to implement the layout is a build it up with fragments dynamically.
Is that a proper approach in terms of
- Performance and optimization?
- Workload?
- Easy to update and/or modify?
Finally, as I said I'm new to Android, so can you tell me which parts of the Android documentation II need to learn in order to perform that.?
Are those questions inappropriate?
Should I explain more or specify anything?
Specific tags needed?