For what it's worth, I ran an SEDE query to look for posts on SO with links having only a single period or comma as the link text, and found and mod-flagged a couple dozen of them.
(Click image to enlarge. Usernames and link URLs blurred to avoid needless "naming and shaming", although obviously it's not hard to dig up the actual posts if one wants to.)
There were a few false positives, including what seemed to be honest editing mistakes (i.e. valid and relevant pages linked from a single period instead of the preceding word) and a couple of seemingly harmless "easter egg" links to funny and tangentially relevant pages. Especially among older posts, I also found several instances of users linking to other relevant SO posts like this, presumably to make them show up in the "linked questions" sidebar without creating an actual visible link in the post text. I don't think that's something we should be encouraging (usually, if something's worth linking at all, it's worth linking properly), but it's not spam.
More disconcertingly, however, I also found one 50k+ rep user who has been editing hidden links to their Android game on Google Play Store into their highest-voted posts (where they're exempt from rel=nofollow), and another 2k+ user who's been doing the same with their company website. In both cases, I noticed the pattern after the second post I found from the same user, and described it in my mod flags. Since those flags are still pending, I have no idea how the mods will handle those cases. Personally, I certainly don't think something like an accepted answer with 100+ score should be deleted as spam, but I would expect at least the hidden links to be removed and the user told not to do it any more.
Ps. I also ran the same query on several other large SE sites, but only found a couple of actually dubious links. It seems that SO, besides obviously having the largest post volume, is also the most tempting target to spammers due (presumably) to its high Google ranking, large number of mirrors and the ease of slipping such sneaky posts into the huge volume of incoming content.
I also tried to look for other characters like apostrophes that might be used for making near-invisible links, but the only actual spam links I found were all using either periods or (very occasionally) commas. Unfortunately, the search method I'm using (which is based on an SQL LIKE
query on the post HTML) is not as flexible or reliable as I'd really like, so I might be missing some variations. In particular, I can't easily search for spam links with completely empty link text, since my query can't tell image links from empty ones (except by excluding all posts with images from the results).
Update: Since writing this, all my flags have now been processed, and all the flagged posts (except, for some weird reason, this one) have been either deleted or (for the posts by the two high-rep users mentioned above) edited to remove the spam links. I believe this is a reasonable outcome, and I don't think the users whose posts were edited will try to do this again (especially given that the ♦ mod who made the edits also left each of them a comment calling them out on it).
No new hidden-link spam posts seem to have appeared on SO since this answer was written — or, if some did, they've presumably been rapidly dealt with, now that people (and our spam detector bots) are aware of the issue.