In all the discussion about closing or downvoting bad questions, the focus is on questions that are still open. Once a question has been closed as a duplicate, is it really necessary to allow continued downvoting? Closed questions are technically "on hold" and the OP is invited to improve them. Shouldn't the question be immune to downvotes (and presumably upvotes) until it is edited or reopened?
The question is prompted by this question by a newby user. The question was downvoted a bit, then closed as a duplicate (with my help). So far, so good. But the question has continued to get downvotes (currently at -6), and the poor user is now at reputation 2.
I am aware that people sometimes pile on to downvoted questions. This is not even that bad a question: the goal is stated clearly, it's just missing OS information to be properly answerable. In short, it's the kind of duplicate that adds something to the site. Forcing the OP to close it doesn't seem like a good thing for anyone.