I've been using this question as a canonical for closing questions asking about manipulating inherited properties for quite a while now.
Yesterday, a question asking about appending property values was brought to my attention, so I closed it as a duplicate of the canonical. There was some disagreement in chat about whether or not the questions are duplicates. Another gold-badge subject expert comes along and takes it upon himself to reverse which question was marked as a duplicate because he liked the answer better.
Users have organically found the original to be more useful than the duplicate over the course of its entire life. Meanwhile, the majority of the upvotes on the newer question came from yesterday in response to a spat with another answerer (who has since deleted their answer). Most of the editing that took place on the newer question's accepted answer was after the question was closed as a duplicate.
Is there a good reason to have closed the broader canonical as a duplicate of the newer, more specific question?