StackOverflow has a policy about opinion-based questions. They are closed to improve the quality of the website, and that's OK.
But then, there are the perfectly valid questions with people answering, but inside their answer, they write down their opinion without it being requested at all.
For instance, the question "Multiple open and close curly brackets inside method. - Java" is totally acceptable and doesn't ask for opinion in any way. Yet the top 3 answers are clearly indicate the opinion of their poster.
[...] I wouldn't do it normally.
However, I wouldn't recommend doing this. IMO, it better to use different variable names [...]
[...] IMO it's bad style and should be avoided [...]
Third answer (even goes cynic to prove his point):
You can create scopes within functions, and some people think this organizes their code. These same people are currently unemployed.
So are these kind of answers tolerated? Should I edit them to remove the opinion-part? Should I simply downvote?
I personally don't think I should downvote because the answers actually do answer the questions. The opinion of their posters just appeared out of nowhere based on nothing.
you're treating them as too dumb to judge things for themselves
well, people come here to learn, and that other people might know something that you don't is.... kind of a part of it, don't you think? And telling them that they have the wrong idea is actually treating them like adults. Some of the most meaningful learning experiences I've had on SO (if not all of them) were questions where I asked "How to do X" only to be told that it's a bad idea.